Chapter 3

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Caity's POV:

I laugh in excitement. I'm really glad Tabby is happy and that we get to see Nick again. I nod my head as I turn into the parking lot the guy told us to go into. We rush out of the car as soon as it was parked. There wasn't a lot of people here which was a great thing.

Tabby's POV:

I take Caity's hand and we hurry to the line that is waiting outside. There are only a few people in line ahead of us and it makes me happy to know we are going to be up front.

Caity's POV:

Tabby takes my hand as we go up front and I squeeze her hand in reassurance. Both of us were too eager to see Nick. Since there wasn't a lot of people the line will move pretty fast.

Tabby's POV:

Someone opens the doors to let people in and my heart starts beating faster. Soon enough we are at the doors. Caity and I have our bags checked and I retake her hand. We have to get to the stage as fast as we can. I start to walk fast, leading Caity, then I start running. I spot the stage and I run my fastest to the guard rail. I stop and grin at Caity. We are just right of where Nick will be standing.

Caity's POV:

I start cheering and dancing all over the place.

"We are here! And the plan is gonna work!" I exclaim, making Tabby dance with me.

Tabby's POV:

"I'm so ready for this!" I say, dancing around with Caity. I keep watching the stage, expecting Nick to come out any minute. Butterflies are starting to flip in my stomach.

Caity's POV:

After we calm our dancing we turn our attention towards the stage. The music starts playing and everyone starts freaking out. Immediately I know the first song was going to be Favorite Liar. I'm thinking Tabby did too. She could not take her eyes off the stage.

Tabby's POV:

The lights turn off and Nick's band mates come out. I'm looking all around for Nick. They start playing the music to Favorite Liar. My heart starts racing and the butterflies in my stomach are racing around. Movement behind the stage catches my eye and there he is. Nick is walking on stage. I'm smiling from ear to ear and I can feel tears forming. Finally I'm seeing my Nick again. He walks up to the mic.

"This song is for my favorite person." He says, then starts singing. He looks the same as the last time I saw him. I notice he's wearing the long sleeve black shirt I wore to bed last night. He must have stopped at the apartment.

Caity's POV:

As like everyone else when Nick comes onto stage I start freaking out.

"This song is for my favorite person." He says into the microphone looking out into the crowd. I start jumping up and down uncontrollably looking at Tabby looking at Nick. The music continues to play and Nick starts to sing. I start freaking out even more. I didn't even know it was possible. 

Tabby's POV:

I can't stop looking at Nick. I'm sure anyone who was looking at me could see the love I had for this guy. Nick was so cute when he was on stage doing what he loves for his fans. He even dances around a little and I laugh. Nick goes to the stand and holds the microphone as the song becomes a little bit slower. He starts looking around at the crowd. He turns his head our way and scans the area. He looks away, then looks back at us again. His eyes find mine and he has the biggest smile on his face as he's singing. He looks away still grinning. I'm grinning along with him.

Caity's POV:

Nick starts scanning the area in search for someone or something. When he comes over to Tabby and I's area he meets his eyes with Tabby's and his smile grows even bigger. I smile at the two of them. There definitely is love in the air and they are apart of that 100%.

Tabby's POV:

They finish Favorite Liar and everyone claps. I cheer and clap really loud.

"Thank you." Nick says and they start playing Turn It Up.

Caity's POV:

The crowd including Tabby and I start listening to Turn It Up and start dancing, screaming, and singing along to The Wrecks. This is an amazing day.

Tabby's POV:

The show is going so fast. They are already on their last song, I Don't Like You. Watching Nick and the rest of the band is so much fun. They have so much fun doing what they love, its amazing. I can't wait to see Nick and hug him really soon.

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