Chapter 34

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Nick's POV;

My phone starts ringing. I pick it up.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey this is Alex from All Time Low and I wanted to ask you if The Wrecks would want to go on tour with us." Alex explains to me. I jump up from my seat at the kitchen table.

"Yes! Alex yes! We would totally be into that!" I say, pacing around.

"Great! See you in two days." Alex says before hanging up. I have to find Aaron! I race out to the hallway and I can not be more happy to see Aaron out here. I rush up to him.

"Dude! We are going on tour with All Time Low!!" I almost yell.

"What?? When did this happen?" He asks me.

"Just now. Alex just called me." I tell him. He gets up quickly from the floor.

"No way. When?" Aaron asks me.

"We leave after tomorrow." I tell him.

"And what about Tabby? Are you going to tell her?" He asks me. I hesitate.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure she will want to stay here." I tell him. Aaron just looks at me.

"I want to leave the day after tomorrow. In the morning." I tell him as I walk back to my room.

Aaron's POV:

I follow Nick into the hotel room.

"We are leaving in a few days and your not even going to tell Tabby?" I ask him. He spins around.

"I'm sure you understand why." He replies. I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm not so sure I do." I say.

"You've seen her with him." Nick says. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously, so you're just going to give her to him?" I ask him.

"You love her." I say softly. Nick looks at me.

"Maybe it's for the best." He says. We just stand there looking at each other.

Caity's POV:

"So now we have our amazingly stylish tattoos, what's next on the agenda?" I ask everyone. I honestly have to think of more ideas for new tattoos because I'm completely addicted and in love.

Tabby's POV:

"I'm not sure what else we can do. We only have a few more days to do stuff." Matty says. Hearing him say it makes me really sad. I'm not sure I'm ready to actually leave this place let alone these three guys I've become so close to. I start to get emotional and before I know it tears are rolling down my cheeks. Matty notices and frowns.

"You alright love?" He asks. I nod and wipe my tears away. I start laughing.

"Yes I'm sorry. I'm not usually this emotional. I'm not sure why I'm crying." I reply. Matty exchanges a look with George.

Caity's POV:

When I see Tabby's tears stream down her face, I totally get it. Hopefully something like this will happen again.

Matty's POV:

The nausea and being emotional. I've had my suspicions of something like this and it upsets me. But I myself can't be sure, only Tabby can. I don't think she suspects this could be going on. I've told George what I thought. He thinks it too. I sigh.

"Really it's alright love. Everybody needs a good cry every now and again." I tell her with a smile. She smiles back at me. Harry looks at his phone.

"So sorry guys, but I actually have to go." He tells us. He comes up to Tabby and hugs her. He kisses her on the cheek.

"Sorry love. Text or call me if you need anything." He says.

"Thank you Harry." She says. He waves at the rest of us and makes his way outside.

Caity's POV:

As Harry walks away I feel my heart break a bit. Another one of our mates is leaving. I convince myself to get it back together and I turn back to the rest of the group. I notice Matty isn't keeping his eyes off Tabby and I have this slight feeling that he knows something.

Tabby's POV:

I look around at everybody.

"Are we going to stay here or are we going to do something?" I ask and look at Matty and then at George. They look at each other.

"We can't swim. We just got tattoos. Um we could travel, but we have to be back at a certain time. What else is there?" George asks Matty. Matty looks at George.

"We could show them our flat. It's not far from here." He says. George nods.

"Sure." He replies.

"Lead the way." I say to them. Matty turns around.

"Thank you Ed and Steve." He tells them. They both smile and we are on our way down the sidewalk again.

"If you have a flat near the venue, why aren't you staying there?" I ask Matty and George.

"We would rather be with you guys." George says.

"We can leave if you want." Matty says with a smirk. I smile.

"Nah you guys can stay."  They were not joking when they said it wasn't far from the tattoo shop. We stop in front of a house that is next to so many others. George unlocks the door and we walk in. I'm so in love with this place already. I can imagine myself living in something like this. It's the perfect size for a couple people.

"I love it." I breath. Matty smiles.

"I thought you would." He says.

Caity's POV:

As we explore the house we find a bit more things that surprise us. This is honestly a nice house and Tabby is loving it.

Tabby's POV:

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" Matty asks us. I shake my head.

"It's your house." I say with a laugh. He smiles and goes down the hallway. George sits down on the couch and waves his hand.

"Go explore." I do as he says and go down the hallway that Matty went down. I find a bedroom that has a big bed. I walk in and look around. I'm guessing it's Matty's room. I walk up to the bed and sit on the edge of it.

"This is so comfy." I say to myself. I lay back and find myself relaxing. I hear a chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I look and see Matty in the doorway. I smile and laugh.

"Sorry this bed is just so comfy." I reply. He walks in to the bedroom. His hair is still wet from showering. He lays down beside me.

"It is pretty nice." He says. I'm so tempted to just mess with his hair. I reach my hand out and brush it through his hair. He sighs. My phone begins to ring and I look at it. It's my mom. I look up at Matty and answer it.

"Hey mom." Matty starts smiling.

"Hey honey. How is Manchester treating you?" My mom asks. I grin at Matty.

"It's so great over here. I'm in love with it." I reply.

"That's good to hear." Mom replies.

"Matty is actually here with me." I say. I hear my mom gasp a little and I laugh. I hand the phone over to Matty.

"Hello Tabby's mum." Matty says. Matty is smiling at me as he listens.

"Good talking to you." He hands it back to me.

"How's Nick?" My mom asks.

"He's doing good mom." I say.

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