Chapter 19

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Caity's POV:

I look to Aaron not saying a word and giving him 'the eye.' I know he realizes what I am doing by the look he gives in response and starts to inhale. As he does we hear a lot of people talking to each other, entering to their spots. I am going to turn my attention back to Aaron when I notice Tabby coming back.

Tabby's POV:

I find the others in the exact spot and join them. Nick wraps his arm around my waist.

"What was Matty doing?" He asks me.

"He just wanted to know more about where we are from." I tell Nick. He smiles.

"This show is going to be amazing." As he says that the lights turn off and Jack comes on stage.

"Welcome everyone!" He says with a big smile one his face. He looks our way and that smile gets even bigger.

Caity's POV:

When Jack comes on stage I literally feel like I am melting. When he looks our way, I see his smile getting even bigger.

"Woo!" I scream, covering my mouth in a O shape to make it echo louder. I can't stop smiling the entire time.

Tabby's POV:

Seeing Jack on stage doing what he loves makes me so happy and I can see that he absolutely loves every minute of it. He can't seem to stop smiling and he's putting all his energy into his performance. He's going to be one tired boy after this.

Caity's POV:

We all listen to Jack and the Bleachers perform their songs and I can't stop thinking how amazing this is. I never take my eyes off Jack. He puts so much effort into this. He always gives his best effort. All of our boys do. It's one of the reasons why we love them so much.

Tabby's POV:

Before I know it Jack is saying goodnight to everyone and heading off stage. The stage hands start running around taking stuff down and putting stuff up for The 1975. I really want to go talk to Jack about his performance and how great it was, but I don't want to miss anything.

Caity's POV:

I happen to look over at Tabby and I feel like she has the same feeling as I do. We both want to talk to Jack, but we don't want to miss anything. While he is backstage he can probably get some rest or watch The 1975 in peace. Besides we will see him after anyways. After awhile the stage hands are off and everything is set up. The one thing about The 1975 is how colorful everything is. It is amazing.

Tabby's POV:

The lights are turned off again and The 1975 boys come walking out.

"Hey loves!" Matty says and the boys start doing their thing. These boys are great at what they do and love what they do. Their sets never fail to amaze me.

Caity's POV:

The boys come out and start playing their song 'The Sound' which is my favorite. I watch everyone as they play their instruments and sing like they have done a million times. Which they have probably played a million times, but it is still incredible to see them.

Tabby's POV:

They start playing 'Somebody Else' and I scream. It's my favorite song of theirs. Matty walks over to our side and holds his hand. I hold out mine and he grabs onto it. He kneels down as he sings with a big smile on his face. I think to take out my phone and snap a picture. It is just a perfect picture moment.

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