Chapter 36

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Tabby's POV:

"Woah woah woah. You met Niall. Niall Horan? Whattt I want to meet Niall Horan. Harry hasn't said anything." I say.

"Oooo Harry is in trouble now." George says. We laugh at George then bring our attention back to Cate.

"But how exactly is he going to fix this?" Matty asks Cate. He must have read my mind.

Caity's POV:

"He's going to let us stay at their house if we like for as long as we want. Because of Harry, he knows that none of us want to go just yet and maybe we don't have to now. If we accept his offer of course."

Tabby's POV:

George and I both look at Matty. I think we are both thinking the same thing. Us stay here while Matty and George goes on the rest of their tour? Matty squeezes my hand.

"You will have somewhere to stay and wouldn't have to travel around all the time." Matty says. I look at him and search his face. I know he doesn't want that.

"You and I and George all know we don't want that. I wouldn't be able to see you guys." I tell him.

"I know I would hate it, but I don't think you would like being on the road all the time." He says and glances at George.

Caity's POV:

I listen and start thinking. On one hand, Niall is doing something nice for us, but on the other traveling around with them would be incredible..

Tabby's POV:

"I honestly don't think I could handle being away from you two. Harry will also be busy." I say. Matty slowly nods.

"You're right." He says. George looks at Matty.

"You and I both know that being away from.. these two would literally kill you." He tells Matty. Matty softly smiles. I squeeze his hand this time. He looks at me and I at him.

"Yeah don't leave me okay?" He says quietly. I smile and lean into him. He wraps his arms around me.

Caity's POV:

I smile. If that's our decision then it's settled. I politely decline Niall and after that he still insists on owing me. I hope he forgets because honestly it's not a big deal and the drink quickly was washed out within time.

Tabby's POV:

I can see George get up and walk over to the bed.

"You can't leave me either." He says. I feel him get on the bed beside me and puts his arms around Matty and I. I start laughing. Our little sandwich.

Caity's POV:

I join in on the laughter. They look silly, but I let them have their little moment.

Tabby's POV:

We get out of our little hug sandwich.

"I wonder if Harry is really busy today. We could get lunch with him and Niall." Matty suggests. I nod excitedly.

"Yes can we do that?" I ask excitedly. George looks at the time.

"It is about lunch time any way." He says. I get my phone out and call Harry.

"Hey love." He answers.

"Hey Harry! If you're not busy do you want to get lunch with us?' I ask him.

"Yeah I can get lunch. I just can't do anything after unfortunately." He explains. I grin.

"That's great. Oh and bring Niall. I will text you the address." I tell him. Harry agrees and we both hang up.

"Where do you suggest we go eat?" I ask Matty and George.

"We could go to a pub. They have good food and they usually always have live music." George suggests. Matty nods.

"That would be good and easy." Matty agrees.

"Then the pub it is." I say. I get the address from the boys and send it to Harry.

Caity's POV:

I stand up and sigh. All of this is still so surreal. Just the thought of being here and doing the things that we have been doing and what we are going to do makes me feel incredible.

Tabby's POV:

We all get up and head out the door. Food sounds really good right now. I better be able to keep it down. Bar food is always so good.

"I like how everything is so easy to get to around here." I say. Matty nods.

"Its very convenient." We makes it to the pub and we get there before Harry and Niall do. We head inside and find a spot that is big enough for all of us. I sit in the middle with Matty on one side of me and George across form Matty. Cate beside George. A guy comes around to our table

"Would you like drinks?" He asks. Matty and George nod.

"We would like beers." George says.

"I want a beer too. I want to try one." I say.

"No. No beer for her. Could she have a water please." Matty tells the guy. I look at Matty.

"Why can't I have a beer?" I ask.

"Just trust me on this one love." He says. I look at George.

"Trust him." He says softly. I nod slowly.

"You're right. Beer probably wouldn't be good for me when I'm sick." I say. Matty and George nod. The doors open and Harry walks in followed by a very familiar blonde. I get up as they walk inside. Harry hugs me and goes to see the others. Niall stops in front of me and grins.

"Nice to meet you." He says. I grin too.

"Hey Niall. I'm Tabby. So nice to meet you!" I tell him. He opens his arms and I go in for the hug.

"So glad you could make it." I say.

"Happy to be invited." He replied with a smile. We both take our seats.

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