Chapter 31

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Tabby's POV:

I wake up to a huge wave of nausea. I get up quickly and race to the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and I throw up. I groan as I sit down on the floor beside the toilet. I hope I didn't wake up Nick. I don't want him knowing I'm still sick. I stand back up after making sure I am okay to leave the bathroom. I grab my phone and check the time. It's early, but I decide to just stay up. What's the point in going back to sleep now. I brush my teeth and put my hair up into a bun. I get dressed in one of Nick's long sleeve shirts and skinny jeans. I walk to the kitchen and make some toast. Toast seems like a safe option right now. I eat my toast slowly at the kitchen table. I look down at my phone and start thinking. Today would be a great day to get with George, Matty, and Harry. We could go get our tattoos. I pick up my phone and text them all, asking if they had any plans for today. I get answers from all three guys all at once. They are all free to do whatever today. I smile to myself. Tattoos it is then. I tell them to meet me outside the hotel in fifteen. I give Harry the address to the hotel. I clean my dishes and put them away. I put on my high top converse. I go back into our room and go to Nick's side. I shake him a little and he groans. He opens one eye and looks at me.

"I'm going with the guys today." I tell him.

"Uh huh. Okay have fun." He mumbles.

"Do something with Aaron today." I reply before walking out of our room to the hallway. I walk into the hallway and see Aaron sitting on the floor.

"Hey Aaron. Have a good day today. You and Nick need to go out." I tell him. Aaron looks at me.

"Nick's been worried about our album." He replies.

"Just get him to go somewhere. He hasn't done anything since getting here." I say. Aaron nods. I frown slightly as I walk into the elevator. Wonder what's up with him. The elevator opens again on the first floor. I walk off and I can see my three guys already waiting for me outside. I start grinning from ear to ear.

Caity's POV:

After I eat some breakfast I get a text from Aaron saying Tabby is going to go get the tattoos with the boys. I grab my purse and jog to the elevator to meet them last minute.

Tabby's POV:

I walk out the front doors and all three guys look at me.

"Good morning guys!" I say happily. They all smile at me.

"Good morning love." Harry says.

"How are you feeling?" Matty asks me. George nods.

"Yeah how are you feeling?" I look at all of them and each of them have concern on their faces.

"This morning, not so good, but I'm not going to let it ruin my day." I tell them all.

"What's been going on?" Harry asks.

"I've just been getting nauseous at odd times." I tell him with a shrug. I start smiling again.

"I'm glad we can do this today." I tell them. They all smile at me.

"Should we get breakfast?" Matty asks all of us. I nod and so does George and Harry. Hopefully I can keep it down.

"We can go to the little place we went to yesterday." Matty says to me .

"Yeah that place is cute." I reply. He smiles at me. He holds out his hand and I don't hesitate to take it. Harry offers me his hand too and I take his with my free one.

"Oh I see. I don't get to in the club." George pouts and I laugh. 

"Why don't you hold Matty's." I suggest. George looks at Matty and shrugs.

"Wellllll okay." He says finally.

Caity's POV:

Once I reach the lobby I see everyone walking hand in hand, heading down the sidewalk. I swiftly walk to them and catch up.

"Mind if I join you guys?" I ask them.

Tabby's POV:

Before we even start walking down the sidewalk, the doors open and Caity's voice asks if she could come with. All three guys look at me. I look at all of them. We awkwardly try to turn around while still all holding hands. We all look at each other and all of us burst out laughing. I have tears in my eyes and it's so hard to form words from laughing so hard.

" yes!" I say through the laughter.

Caity's POV:

I start to laugh as well. From my angle it looks super awkward. After our laughter dies down a bit I notice we are heading toward the little cafe that we went to yesterday. I can go for a mocha.

Tabby's POV:

As we are walking down the sidewalk to the cafe we are still fighting the laughter. George stops laughing. 

"None of us are drunk right?" He asks seriously. This causes a whole new fit of laughter. I shake my head and see the others shake theirs.

"We must have really needed those laughs." I say.

"I know I did. I've been to stressed lately." Harry replies. I squeeze his hand and he smiles.

"This is going to be good for all of us." Matty says.

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