Chapter 21

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Caity's POV:

When I wake up I look over at the clock, shinning five o'clock sharp as I am expecting. I bounce out of bed and instantly open my curtains to meet the beautiful city. I'm such an early bird. I lay my clothes out for the day, which consists of a light pair of skinny jeans and my Bleachers sweatshirt that I bought at the merch spot at the show last night. After a shower, curling my hair, and getting dressed it is five thirty and a evil thought comes to me. If his door is still unlocked I'll wake up Aaron. I grab my phone and key card to my room, put on my converse, and head out the door. I walk to Aaron's room and place my hand on the cold door knob.

Luckily it opens and I quietly make my way inside. All the lights are off and the only light is the sun slowly coming through the curtains. It is still dark, but light enough to move around. I sit my phone and card down on the kitchen counter and make my way to the bedroom. I quietly push the cracked door open, which surprisingly doesn't squeak. I tip toe towards his bed and kneel down at his bedside. I want to scare him as much as possible to get back at him for the stuff that he did, so I start thinking. After a second of thinking, I come up with the idea that I previously have done on my brother awhile back to scare him. I begin purposely breathing on his neck and that eventually makes him move around a little bit. He brings his hand up and scratches his neck where I am breathing. I hold back and put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Happens every time.

Aaron's POV:

I feel a draft coming through my room, which I thought is weird considering it is pretty hot in here. I feel this tingling sensation on my neck and I can smell something very familiar that consists of Japanese blossoms. I keep smelling it to make sure it isn't just a one time thing and I end up figuring out that somehow Caity is in here. I keep my eyes shut and pretend to be asleep. After a bit of pretending I can't keep up with the act. I open my eyes and notice how close we are. I look up at Caity and swiftly peck her lips, get out of bed and run out of the room, Afraid of what she is going to do after realizing what I did.

Caity's POV:

After Aaron gets up and runs out of the room, I am stunned and stuck to my spot. I start thinking and thinking over and over. What the heck just happened?! I shake my head and slowly walk out of his room and see that Aaron is in the bathroom with the shower running. If he is thinking I can't get him, then he is right. Still completely stunned I slowly grab my things and go to the door. I open it and am surprised to see Lena. Startled, Lena looks at me puzzled.

"What are you doing in Aaron's room?" She asks me sounding a bit hostile.

"I could ask you the same thing." I tell her. She quickly looks at me up and down.

"You are shaking." She informs me. I look down at my hand and notice that she is right.

"Oh.. yeah." I say. I really don't know what to say and I just want to go back to my own room.

"Well I am just here telling everyone that Jack, Rachel, and I are going to meet up and go to a restaurant down the street for breakfast. If you and Aaron want to come." I start to think. Maybe if I go I can get my mind off of what happened.

"Yeah. Okay I'll go. It will also give me a chance to finally meet Jack's older sister." I smile. She nods and smiles back.

"Great. Jack is finishing getting dressed, but he  will be out in a moment." She tells me. I nod.

"Aaron is showering, but he may be out by now. I'm going to get my purse in my room, but you can check on him right now if you want." I tell her.

"Yeah of course. If he agrees we will meet in Jack and I's room until everyone is ready to do." I thank her and rush back to my room. I grab my purse and put my phone, keys, and key card before coming back out. While I walk down to Jack's room I can't help but think about what Lena said. 'Jack and I's room.' Does that mean she is going to be joining us for the entire tour? I feel like a black hole. I reach Jack's room and knock on the door. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer. The door opens and I meet with Jack.

"Oh uh hey Cait! Come on in." He greets me and opens the door wider. I can't help but notice he only has a towel on. That makes the black hole bigger. Thanks Jack.

"Sorry for my appearance, I just got out of the shower. I'm going to get dressed and we will be on our way." He walks into the bedroom and closes the door. I walk into the living room and sit down at the couch. Lena must still be in Aaron's room. They are taking an awful long time. As soon as Jack comes out of his room, fully dressed, he sits down on the couch across from me and looks at my shirt.

"I absolutely love your shirt. That guy is my idol." He tells me. I start to laugh.

"Of course you would love it, it's a picture of you. You seem pretty egoistical right now and I'm digging it." Did I just say that? He start laughing as well.

"One thing you must know is that just like my dad, I'm just that amazing." Our laughter dies down a bit when Lena walks in with Aaron behind.

"What are you two laughing about?" Lena asks.

"Oh nothing." Jack says in between fits of small laughter. I have always found this stuff a bit funny because my dad and brother are just like this. It's good to have another, especially jack, who get it too. Lena shakes her head with a small smile.

"You two are weird." Our laughter dies and Jack and I stand up.

"Are we ready to go?" Jack asks everyone. We all nod and I go to grab my purse, but can't find it. I turn from the kitchen to see Jack and Lena already exiting the room, leaving Aaron holding my purse. He gives it to me and I thank him.

"Ladies first." He mumbles as he leaves the door open. I walk through and thank him once again. The tension is building up between us and I can tell we both know why.

We walk out of the hotel and start down the street. Since there are so many people we have to walk in pairs down the sidewalk. Lena and Jack in front and Aaron and I in the back. Jack and Lena are often chatting while Aaron and I don't say anything. To avoid anything Aaron my bring up I take the time to admire the scenery. In no time we arrive at the restaurant. It was a small mom and pop type of place, but I think it is cute.

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