Chapter 32

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Caity's POV;

We arrive in the cafe still lasting with our fits of laughter and stressed feelings. I go and grab a seat while everyone else orders.

Tabby's POV:

Matty stops me before we went to the counter.

"Go sit down. I will get you something." He says. I hesitate before nodding.

"Thank you Matty." I say. I join Cate at the table.

"So what kind of tattoo are you getting?" I ask her. The guys come back quickly. Harry and George sit in front of us. They both got a muffin and coffee. Matty comes last and sits beside me. He hands me a bagel and some orange juice. He also got a muffin and coffee.

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

"I thought it would be okay." He replies with a soft smile. It makes me happy that he is thinking about me. George nods at Caity.

"What tattoo do you want?" He asks her. Matty looks at me.

"What else are you getting love?" He asks.

"I have some ideas in mind." I reply with a smirk.

Caity's POV:

"I am thinking of getting a treble clef and an eighth music note on my right wrist. I have other ones in mind, but they won't come until I don't have to take care of the ones I'm already going to get." I inform George. Music has been a big part of my life whether it is just listening to it live, at home or even right now.

Tabby's POV:

We all nod at her response.

"I like that idea." George tells her. I look at the three guys.

"So since we are all getting matching ones. What do you guys want?" I ask them.

"Us guys should get something for you and and you can get something for us three." Matty tells me. I look at Harry and George and they both nod.

"As long as we know by the time we get there." I say laughing. Harry looks at Cate.

"It really doesn't take long for them to heal. And they're not hard to take care of." Harry explains. He looks down at his arms and grins.

"Obviously." He mutters. I laugh and so does Matty and George.

"I can say the same." Matty confirms.

"They will give you a salve to put on it to help heal it. And you gently wash it and no direct contact with water like in the shower." George tells us. We are getting the tattoo 101.

Caity's POV:

After listening to what George is saying, the idea of getting the others didn't seem so bad. It's not like I am going to get really big ones my first time. They would be a bit of a bug since it's my first time.

Tabby's POV:

An idea pops into my head.

"I want an anchor with the letter of your first names around it." I tell the guys. They all look at each other and nod.

"Then we will get little anchors to match yours." Matty says. The guys all nod.

"It's settled then." I say with a big smile.

Caity's POV:

After enjoying our breakfast we head out to the tattoo place the guys know and go to. Its only a few blocks from where we are.

Tabby's POV:

We finish and get walking to the tattoo shop. George looks at me and smirks a little.

"I heard that you had a little incident with Lena last night." He says. I look around at everyone.

"News travels fast." I say and nod my head. "Yeah I did. She warned me to put some cloths on." I tell everyone. Saying it out loud makes it sound hilarious and I start laughing.

Caity's POV:

I can't help but burst into laughter when Tabby mentions the incident she had with Lena. I'm glad that Matty heard the news that she won't stay for much longer. Like I would be okay if she was nice, but she is the complete opposite.

Tabby's POV:

The guys all start laughing along with us. Matty takes my hand and squeezes it.

"She is a bitch." Matty says. George nods in agreement.

"She sure is." He says.

"Should of told us that before." I say and look at Cate.

"Here's the tattoo shop." Harry tells us.

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