Chapter 22

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Tabby's POV:

I wake up and the bed is cold beside me. Nick must be up. I sit up and my stomach is just a little bit queasy. It must be from the big time change or I might just be hungry. I get up and change into skinny jeans and steal one of Nick's black sweaters. I brush my teeth and put my hair into a bun. I walk out to find Nick at the stove.

"There is food in the fridge, so I'm making french toast." Nick says without looking at me.

"Hmm. Sounds really good." My stomach rumbles. Yup just hungry. I sit down at the little table and Nick brings our breakfast to the table.

"This is so sweet." I tell him. He smiles.

"Aren't I always." I chuckle. He looks down at me and notices my shirt.

"You stole my shirt." He says. I look down.

"Oh did I?" I say and smirk. He laughs.

"Love it on you." He adds. I grin. I start eating my french toast.

"Wow this is so good!" I tell Nick. Nick just smiles and we finish eating in silence. Nick gets up after eating and he takes our plates to the sink. He comes back and kisses me.

"I'm going to shower." He says and walks into our room. I hear the water come on. At that moment there's a knock at the door.

"Come in." I say and the door opens. Matty is standing there.

"Hey love. Thought I'd show you around." He says with a small smile. I grin at him and jump up.

"Yes yes! Show me everything!" I say excitedly. I hurry and write a note for Nick telling him where I am going. I then put on my converse and grab my bag, key and phone. Matty is still at the door and he smiles. He opens the door more and I follow him out. I follow him to the elevator and down we go. The door dings open and Matty offers his hand. I hesitate, but take it. We walk out to the front of the hotel and I'm breathless again at how beautiful it is here.

"This is Manchester, my home." Matty says and get out a cigarette, lighting it. I look up at Matty.

"It's beautiful and this is all I've seen." I tell him.

"It's quite a city." He says.

"I wish I could show you my little town. It's not much, but it's home." I say. He looks down at me.

"I would actually love that." He softly smiles. He looks away.

"What do you want in life? What are your dreams Tabby?" He asks. I look around at the buildings before answering.

"I want to get married and have kids. I would love to live here one day." I tell him. He smiles.

"Dream job?" He asks. I shrug.

"I really don't know. I love being around music." I tell him.

"We are very similar love." Matty informs me.

"Living here would mean you would have to put up with me." Matty teases.

"I'm good with that." I say. Matty chuckles at me.

"You could totally work with us. I could get you a job." He says. I smile.

"Thank you Matty, but I don't know if my dream of living here will ever come true." I reply with a frown.

"Hey now. Dreams always come true." Matty says. I smile softly. My stomach then decides to become queasy again. I put my free hand on it and stop walking.

"You alright love?" Matty stops and looks at me concerned. I nod.

"Yes I'm fine." I say as the nausea passes.

"Just feeling a bit off this morning." This time Matty frowns.

"Well we don't want you getting sick. We still have four great days ahead of us." He says. I smile.

"We sure do." We continue walking. Matty watches me as we walk.

"Would you take me to see your home sometime?" He asks me. I smile at him.

"If you would like that. Yes I will take you sometime." I say. At that he smiles and puffs on his cigarette.

"I would like to see the simple things that make you who you are." He says. My face is getting a little warm.

"You're showing me yours, so I can show you mine." I say. It would actually be neat to take him back home and show him everything.

"Matty?" I look over at him.

"What are your dreams?" I ask him. He smiles.

"The same as yours, but I'm in a career with music." I nod.

"How many kids do you want?" I ask him.

"Maybe two." He comments. I nod again.

"Same for me. Maybe three." I add. He smiles and drops his cigarette on the ground.

"Do you see yourself with Nick forever?" He asks me. I think for a minute.

"Yes. I would love for us to get married and have kids together." I tell him. He softly smiles.

"I hope the best for you." I smile at Matty at his comment. I look around.

"Everything here is so beautiful." I tell him. 

"It really is a great place." Matty says. Matty points over to a little food place.

"This place is one of my favorites." He tells me. We walk across the street and into the little place. I look around and see Caity with Aaron, Jack and Lena. I look down at Matty and I's hands together and slowly pull mine away.

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