Chapter 41

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Matty's POV:

I must have fallen asleep in the hallway after I smoked my cigarette. I look up to see George towering over me.

"Well good morning Matty." He laughs. I smile up at him and get up off the floor.

"Let me take a shower and we can head out." I tell him. He nods and follows me into my room. I shower and change quickly. We head out of the hotel to the place for the interview. We have to actually take a cab to the interview, no walking for us. It only takes a few minutes for George to start talking.

"Are you going to tell her?" He asks. I turn my head to him.

"Jesus George. Shut up." I say. He chuckles and a small smile forms on my face. We make it to the place where the interview is going to be held. Adam and Ross are waiting for us. We take our spots on a couch and start.

Tabby's POV:

I wake up and look at the clock. I quickly sit up, Nick is gone. I slept most of the day away. We only have these two days left and I'm wasting it. I sigh and get up and dressed. I wonder out to the hallway and its deserted. I go to Matty's room and start to knock.

"He went to a interview Tabby." I hear Aaron's voice. I look over and he's watching me. I walk past him to the elevator. I take the elevator down to the first floor. I walk outside and look around. I have no clue where they are. I chose to go right and that's the way I head. I just walk hoping this was the right way to go. Maybe there will be a crowd or something around this place. I sigh. Yeah right. I just hope I don't get lost.

About ten minutes go by and I'm starting to feel frustrated and annoyed. I just want to spend time with Matty and George. Bitter tears slip down my face. I walk a little farther and there is a huge crowd spilling out of a building in front of me. I wipe my tears away and speed walk to the building. I try to peek over all the people, mostly girls. I'm trying to figure out who they are crowding for and I spot that curly headed boy I've been looking for. I start to grin. I jump up and down. It's so loud I'm not sure Matty will hear me.

"Matty! George!" I yell. I try my best to push through everyone. I jump some more and yell. Matty happens to look my way and does a double take. He smiles. I suddenly get pushed and I lose my footing.

Matty's Pov:

I see Tabby in the crowd and I do a double take. What is she doing here? All of a sudden she is falling and disappears.

"Shit!" I say loudly. I hit George on the arm.

"We have to get Tabby! She is here and just fell in the crowd!" I yell over the voices of the others. His eyes get wide and he nods. We push everyone as we go, not caring how we get there. It's slow going and I'm getting angry at this group. We push through some more and I almost step on her. Tabby looks up at us with tears rolling down her cheeks. She tries to smile at us. I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. We push outside. Tabby has her face in my neck.

"Please take me back." She whispers. I look at George and he nods.

Tabby's POV:

Matty is rubbing my back and trying to soothe me. My breathing becomes steady and I close my eyes. He is just so calming and I want to sleep in his arms.

"Are you alright? Did anyone step on you?" Matty asks. I shake my head.

"I'm fine." I mutter. Matty hugs me a little tighter.

"We are taking you back. You are going to rest and you are not going to the show later." I hear George say sternly. I sigh. I really don't want to miss another show. I have only gone to two of them this entire trip.

"Fine." I agree. If it will make them happy. I hear a door open and the ding of the elevator. We must be back already.

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