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The jungle isnt the first place you'd go to find a dragon, is it? I hope not, but if it is, you'd find me, an Ender Dragon human. I had a human form at one time, but before my arrival to the overworld, I was turned into this form and told to hide my wings. No matter what I do, don't let anyone know I'm an Ender Dragon. Seems easy enough to me if I keep a hoodie on. It's not like I know how to become a dragon again.

Well, I do know one way to go back, but I was told it's only for a true emergency. My necklace, a green upsidedown pentagon shaped gem. If I break it I am turned back into my dragon form. Sometimes I call the stone A Dragon Soul. I'm probably not wrong, considering I'll turn back if I break it. I like to think my dragons soul is in it.

Now, you might wonder, whats an Ender Dragon doing in a jungle? Why cant it get to the End and be a dragon? Well, I can answer those simply. I am in a jungle because it was the closest biome I could safely hide in, closest to the first town I found. Why dont I go live in town? Humans are bad. Evil, selfish, murderers are what they are. I was warned not to trust humans and I plan to take that warning to heart.

This brings us to question two. I cant go home. I don't know how and even if I did, I'm not sure there would be anything to go back home to. You see, I know battles between the End and Overworld are common. Some people come and kill the dragon that is assigned to be the public dragon. The exit portal opens, they probably take the egg, and they leave. The island greives, and the next public dragon takes its place.

That was considered a social norm for us. From what I know it worked for centuries. But hey, who can you count on to be greedy? You'd think it was a dragon, but really it was humans. At first we just one army coming for us. Five dragons and a couple hours should handle it right? Oh, not even close. No one could keep track of how many armies there were, who they were.

Every dragon of fighting age had to be on the field. It was do or die, fight or lose our home. Believe me, the battle raged for days. Somehow the armies never ran out of humans, yet we slowly ran out of dragons. Our youth were to be evacuated. We were all turned to dragon humans and sent through a secret portal. Well, it was supposed to be secret. Humans swarmed the overworld exit. A lot of us, being young, agile, and not slowed by armor were able to get through them.

With all the commotion, it became every dragon for themselves. I lost track of my sister. I don't know if she made it out alive. To this day it bothers me that I have not yet gone to search for her. I am scared though. If I run into a human and they know what I am they'll try to kill me.

Why did I stay so close to a town if I'm so afraid? Well, for clothes and other tools I haven't learned to make. And to learn. I taught myself how to speak their language, how to make their tools, and a few other essential things. Anything I need from them, I've learned to steal. I know its a bad way to think, but if they stole my life from me, shouldn't I be able to steal whatever I need to live my life in their world?

Some day, I plan to take a fairly nice weapon and go, find my sister, and any other remaining dragons on the way. Today will not be that day though. First, I am found.

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