What is this School you Speak of

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When I awake in the morning, I'm immediately confused. Where are we? Why is it so dark? I push myself off the curved wall, looking around as I adapt to the dark. I see both boys are still on the floor, but Endev is awake, guardingly sitting between Ensver and the way into the cave. He looks like hes been awake for a while, as he's doing something with his hands. "I'm going outside." I say quietly, to not disturb Ensver. Endev nods, bot looking up.

I fly out, landing outside the hole. This cave drops straight down before going off. Its hight enough that it snows up here. I've never seen snow before. Its exiting, and beautiful, but hurts to the touch with bare skin, so I assume that it is made of water, like rain. Its also so much colder here than it was in the jungle, so I put my jacket over me like a blanket befkre we went to sleep, despite not being bothered by temperature.

I look up to the sky, deciding that it's around seven, which is when we decided we'd go to the school. I fly back down the cave, going in two wrong caves before finding Endev and Ensver. Ensver seems to be stirring now, and Endev's going through his bag. "Hey, guys, it's almost time to go." I sat quietly, putting my inventory bag on.

"Huh? It's too early." Ensver rolls over toward me. His usual messy hair is even messier than usual. Cute.

"Yeah, I know. But it's time to get up." I say and come over to him, pulling on his hand to help him up.

"I don't want to do things." He says, grudgingly getting up "We're flying right? I don't want to walk all the way up to the school."

"Yes, we're flying most of the way." Endev says, coming over to Ensver and raking his fingers through Ensvers hair like a comb "Midway to the forest, we'll stop and take to potions and walk the rest of the way. Don't you remember your plan?"

"Yeah, right, right." Ensver says, watting away Endevs hand and shaking his head.

"C'mon, get your things together. We have to go." I say and fly back out of the cave. It takes a moment or so for the boys to come up, but when they do, we fly off toward the birch forest. It's only a few minutes flight, then a few minutes walk, so we get there fairly quickly. We land a half mile from the school, and I open my bag to pull out three of the potions. We're all hesitant to be the first to drink. We dont want to be human.

But we have to. With that, I nudge Endev "Bottoms up.". I'm not going first.

"You two too." He nudges me back, then drinks his. Ensver drinks his too, but I hesitate again before drinking mine. The effects are instant; Endevs horns disappear in a light, Ensvers takl shimmers away, then all of our wings disappear, starting with the webbing. I start to panic, feeling my wings not there. I can't fly. I'm human!

Thats only the first half of the changes though. I feel my fangs shrink into normal teeth, my vision alters as my slit pupils turn round, and my silver hair turns platinum blonde. I watch the other two, seeing Endevs dark purple hair turn brown, as well as both of their eyes turning brown. The effect of being human is absolutely nauseating. I can tell the other two feel the same.

When we thought it was all over, another wave of change passes through us. Our muscles change and feel different, our bones start to feel heavier yet weaker, and a few if them feel like they're disappearing altogether. Why do humans feel so weak. How did they defeat us?

It takes a few minutes for us to adjust, less time than we'd like, but we have to keep moving. We walk through the forest, a shocked silence between us all. Endev decides to break it, halfheartedly joking "So, human expert Endress, anything we should expect?"

"From what I heard, you should expect physical, mental, and physical torment. Humans can be very mean to you if they don't like you, the work given can be very stressful, and their gym class doesn't care about you." I don't feel like joking back.

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