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The End is the first place you'd go to find a dragon, isn't it? Well, I hope not, but because it is, you'd find us, a strong race of dragons. I had a human form at one time, but before my return to the End, I swore to myself that from then on, being human would be my choice and only mine. I will not be afraid of a human. It will be easy enough, if I remember what they did to us, and what we did to them.

I have yet to go back to dragon form, but at least I know how. My necklace, a green upside down pentagon shaped emerald. If I break it, I can return to dragon form. I call it a Dragon Soul Emerald for that reason. I've watched people break their gems and return to the body that belongs to them.

Now you might wonder, what is the Ender Dragons next move? Are they going to go after every army that took home from them? Well, I can answer those simply. My next move is to rebuild home. Sure, the island is in more perfect condition than its ever been, but our social order has a long way to go. It's going to take a long time, working a compromise that everyone can handle, given the divergence that humans gave us.

That brings us to question two. I can't speak for every dragon, but I am in no rush to go find a human army and destroy it. I have few rules for myself, but I stick close to them. I will defend, but I will not attack. But some dragons want to assemble and go after the humans. That's okay. They are as angry as they should be. Angry about losing the End, angry about losing dragon form, loosing our King, loosing our mothers, fathers, our children. Angry about losing.

That became a social norm for us. From what we all know, it worked for the humans for a decade. But hey, who can you count on to get forced to the bottom and rise back up? You'd think it was a human, but it's us too. At first we never thought we'd get back home. That we had been defeated once and for all. We had been, right? Oh, not even close. We got back together and we struck back hard.

Every dragon and human on our side of fighting age was on the field. It was do or die, fight or let the humans keep winning. Believe me, the battle was bloody. The odds were against us, but by the gods, we won. Our youth are slowly coming back home. We're all slowly turning back to full dragons. Well, most of us. Some of us, like me, have not turned back. We're just waiting, for something, or nothing.

With everyone coming back through, our population is growing only bigger since the Birth Ban was officially lifted. The Birth Ban was put in centuries ago, forbidding anyone from laying an egg that would hatch a new dragon, without permission. It was made because, well, the island an only hold so many dragons. Our population was strictly set to three hundred dragons, since.

That makes the question of why Netheana and I were born. With Netheana having made forced visits to the White Eyed One while she was still Endeana, that she could never explain, or our god given power, or even something so small as my green eyes, and the rock I was given never seemed coincidental to me. But it's not as if I can just ask.

Some day, when my life continues, I plan to return to the Overworld, or the Nether, or somewhere to get the answers I need. Today will not be that day though. First, I will rebuild. Today, I will be Shamelessly Alive.

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