No Control

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I awaken with a pounding headache and bright light in my eyes. I turn away from it, opening my eyes and looking around. The room doesn't have a light source, by the look of it. Just four walls, a ceiling, and a flour. No doors or windows. Actually, are there walls? I think the room is circular. Wait, I don't see a crease between the wall and the floor, or the ceiling. Is the room spherical? Is there even a wall at all? I reach out to touch it, but there's nothing. I start freaking out.

Where am I? Did they kill me and I got stuck In Between? Why is there only white? I touch my own arm and I know that I'm real. I can feel my heartbeat in my throat so I know that I'm alive. So what is this? Am I in some sort of void under the human world? I bring my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I am terrified, because the void under the human world is quite simply, nothing.

My fear spikes as the whiteness around me starts to dim, gradually turning to black. When it's finally black, I uncurl myself and sit up, feeling as if I had just woken up from a nightmare. I'm on a floor now, in a real room. Four walls, a floor, a ceiling, a door, no windows. But there is a gray bearded man beside me. Managing to calm my breathing, I look at him and ask "Where was I?"

"I don't know, where were you? Tell me exactly what you saw?" He look down at me, offering a hand.

"I don't know what exactly was happening. I thought I was in a white room, quartz or something, but it started changing, and then it wasn't a room anymore. It was.. nothing. It was horrifying." I say, shaking my head to lose the image and taking his hand.

"Well," He says, pulling me to my feet "if you don't want to see that ever again, all you have to do is be a good girl and cooperate with us."

"What do you mean? Where am I? Who's us?" I look around the room for some indication of where I am, but the room is completely empty, save for us.

"You're in the Kings Dragon Laboratory. More specifically, the fear room." He says, turning and writing on a clipboard.

"Kings Dragon Laboratory? You have other dragons here don't you? What do you do to them?" I shout in a failed attempt to mask my fear. Not so much for myself, but the other dragons they could have here.

"They aren't my dragons, but yes they are here. I'm just the Dread-monger. I see what you're afraid of and punish the dragons that do bad things. So you'll be better off if you keep yourself in line. Now, it's time for you to go, as I have more dragons to see. The doctor will see you now." He says, going to the door and pulling it open.

Outside is a blonde woman with a long white coat. She smiles when she sees me "Well hello there young one. If you'll just come with me, we can get you all checked out." She offers me her hand.

I stand beside her, but I don't take her hand "If you think I'm going to let you touch me you can forget that now."

"Oh darling, no one here wants to hurt you. It's just that I need to see where you are physically so we can see how you change and grow while you're here." Her smile fades, but her voice still sounds cheery as she turns and walks down the hall.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask, following her.

"You know, figure out where your health is, test your strength an weaknesses, fun stuff like that." She says, then goes into a room to our right, closing the door behind us. "If you'll just sit up there." She points to a chair with the back leaned too far back. Sitting, I watch her put on a pair of gloves and organize a tray of tools. Eventually she comes back to me with a tiny sea lantern on a stick, then says "Open your mouth and say ah."

After what feels like too long and far too much prodding, she finally tells me shes done. Thank the gods. "The tests may take a few hours to mean much to anyone, so we'll have the results tomorrow. We'll figure out if you need any health adjustments or anything else to get you to top shape. But until then, you're going to be roomed inside tonight." She says, then presses a button on the wall "Someone will take you to a room shortly."

Shamelessly Alive (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now