End of October

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It's weeks later, now late October. Everything is colder now, but I think I like it. Ensver and I found out when the End field trips were; It's a group of dates several months from now. They want to do it closer to the day they triumphed. How expected.

But today, on a cheerier note, is a holiday called Halloween. Apparently it's a day where you dress as scary as you can and get free candy from strangers. Weird. Today is also another holiday I learned from Aviare, called Samhain, where the viel between this world and the spirit worlds are thinnest. Maybe I can reach out to The Valley. Thats a wonder for later tonight though.

Ensver and I are up early this morning, trying to make ourselves look like fake Ender Dragons; we have leather wrapped around the base of our wings to look like thats where they're coming from, string tied to various parts of the wing and our arms so we can blame wing movement on our arms, and black dyed leather wrapped around Ensvers tail so it doesn't look so real. We decide we'll blame our eyes on contacts and the hair or temporary dyes. It seems fake convincing to us, so we decide to leave it at that and fly most of the way to school as usual.

Walking the rest of the way, we pass a couple other people in costume. Most people are zombies or skeletons. How original. Ensver and I pick a costume to see which one is least common. He chooses Enderman, I choose cave spider. Nobody likes those things. Ensver sees three before we have to go to our seperate homerooms. I saw zero.

I take my seat in homeroom, across from a girl named Elizibeth. I befriended her some time during my second week because I was curious about her. She looked like and walked with the air of a dragon, but she never gave even the briefest hint that she was. I am determined to find out though, if she is or isn, through subtle talk about dragons. Today is not so subtle though, as I'm sure she'll ask about my 'costume'.

"Somehow I knew you'd be a dragon." Is the first thing she says when I sit down "You're crazy about them."

"Somehow I'm surprised you're not. You like them too. What even are you?" I tilt my head, trying to figure her out.

Shes wearing gray clothes with a black pattern dyed on it, and black face paint, well matched by her naturally black hair. "I'm a wither skeleton, can't you tell?" She spreads her arms. I suppose it looks a lot like it. She looks at me now, trying to figure me out. "Do you mind if I look at your wings?" She asks.

Weird question, and I don't like the look on her face, but I allow it so I don't look suspicious "Yeah, go ahead."

She nods and comes uo beside me, gently touching the thumb claw, then rubbing the webbing between her fingers "These are so realistic. How long did it take to make these? What are they made of?" She actually sounds kindof in awe.

"It's iron for the claw, clay for the fingers slash wing base, and clay paper for the webbing." I say, remembering what Ensver thought they'd be made of. "It took a month or so to get each individual scale right." I add.

"Nice. You should show me how to make those. With that much effort, you really should be able to fly with them. Or at least move them, right?" She asks, pointing to the string.

"Yeah, I can move them." I say, moving my arm forward, slowly moving my wing to follow.

Elizibeth stares at the base of the wing "I didn't know clay flexed like that." She then kneels beside me, saying quietly "The whole thing, wings, eyes, ears, it's not a costume is it?"

"What do you mean? Of course its a costume. I'm just as human as you are." I'm probably not wrong, right?

"Yeah, justnas human as I am." She says, right before the bell rings for first class. She picks up her stuff, then turns back to me "You'll meet after school as usual, right?"

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