19. Purity

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It takes us two days flight to get to the right biome, with a few wrong turns. We walk the rest of the way, looking for the house built above the cave. It takes a while of climbing a mountain to finally see the house a while east. When we get to the house, we assume Ensver would be long gone, so we let ourselves in. I lead Endella to my cave room, it being the closest to the entrance.

Surprisingly, it looks like we haven't been raided by dragon hunters. We go through my stuff, and I take out a few things like the twenty-three eggs I once took, and the energy bottle. Endella looks around at my stuff, seeing if there's anything else we need. I don't think there's much that can't be replaced.

Agreeing, Endella follows me to Endevs cave. My body tenses as I remember Natalie told me he was.. gone. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to be the one to tell Endella.

We go through his things without a word. I have to raise my eyebrow at a few things What was this guy into? We find several small wooden or metal contraptions, some including redstone wire. Endella seems to know what she's looking at, so I go ahead and let her do that, while I go through another chest.

Endev had several valuable weapons and three sets of armor, and several books. Hopefully they explain his many strange gadgets. I look through a book to check, and notice they're written in dragon tongue. Oh right, Endev couldn't read, or write I guess, in English.

As I pick up the important things, I turn back to Endella to see she's putting a few gadgets in her bag. I guess they're important too. "What are those?" I have to ask.

"Endev calls them his boom prototypes. He's been trying to make hand held TNT. You throw it and it explodes. I think he has it down. I have no idea why he'd leave them behind, though." Endella says, examining the last one before putting it in her bag. "This should be all. We can keep going."

Endella and I leave Endevs cave, moving onto Ensvers, which actually looks taken care of. There's no dust, the bed is made, even my old cats are lying around his rooms, looking well fed. Someone has been here, but I doubt it's Ensver. Natalie told me he got away, and I should hope he's smarter than to stay here. "Endella, let's be quick with this. Whoever is here could be back soon." I say quietly.

Endella nods and goes to a chest on the wall, going through it quickly. I go to a chest beside the bed, sifting through it. I don't see anything that surprises me, or anything we need, but there is a book. Briefly curious, I flip through the first few pages. There's drawings of dragon people on every pages, with a few lines of information written around them.

A lot of them have X's drawn through their face. That's... eerie.

Endella looks over my shoulder at what I've got, then asks "Do you understand?"

"No," I say, reading over a few lines "Do you? You're on page seven." I flip to the page and show her. She shakes her head, looking closer at it. A moment later, someone shoves her to the side with a grunt. Then the grab me from behind with an arm and a sword at my neck. The pressure on my chest hurts, and it becomes hard to breathe.

"Where have you been this entire time? I thought they killed you both!" The person shouts. The voice is unmistakably Ensver.

I twist and slam my elbow into his chest, badly winding him enough to make him step back and away from me.

I leap forward, catching my breath, then turning back to him. Watching carefully, I hardly recognize the boy in front of me. There's something viciously feral in his eyes. He legitimately wants to kill us.

"Huh? Where have you been?" He shouts again.

"I was captured, you fool! What do you think you're doing?" I shout back, forming a shield on my arm.

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