No One in the Nether is Nice

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Ensver and I decided to stay in school for two more weeks, until the Nether unit in History was over, then we have to prepare to go. We don't know how long we'll be there, so we decide to leave a few moths space between now and the End field trip. Endev doesn't yet know, so Ensver and I are about to go tell him. Ensver has the armor for Endev, and I have a little something special for Ensver

Flying into Endev's room, Ensver calls out "Hey Endev, we have a surprise for you!"

Endev rises from the corner of the room, setting down some wooden contraption "Yeah? What's up?"

Ensver pulls the pieces of enchanted armor out in front of him "Ta-da!"

Endev slowly picks them up, looking at them in awe "Wow, what's this for?"

"The second, less pleasant surprise." I say, then step behind Ensver, in case Endev reacts violently. Being throat grabbed still isn't fun. "We're going to the Nether, tomorrow."

"What?" He nearly shouts, obviously ready to shoot the idea down.

"Yeah, we are. I was going to tell you sooner, but I didn't because I thought you'd try to talk us out of it." Ensver moves forward, putting a hand on Endev's shoulder "This is really important."

"What in the Nether could be so important that we have to go to the Nether?" Endev raises his voice.

"My sister. She will be very important to taking home back." I say quietly. "We're going. Prepare your things, we might be there a while." I speak louder this time, trying to be firm. "Anyway, I have a third and final surprise." Opening my bag, I pull out a Macuahuitle, holding it out for Ensver. "I made it best to what you described, except, the core is diamond. So it won't break so easy." I smile proudly.

"Wow. That's... amazing." He looks over it, then comes over to hug me. "You get over here too tough guy. We know you're grateful, even if you won't say it." Ensver laughs, opening an arm.

Endev smiles and joins us, wrapping an arm around each of us "I do appreciate it, truly. Nothing in that Nether will be able to touch us!"

"That's the spirit!" I laugh, then break off. "Now get your things together. Maybe things won't have to touch you for you to get destroyed." I joke.

"Yeah, yeah. Go play with your potions then, little miss." Endev grins. It's almost surprising to me when he jokes, but its nice.

I fly off to my room, making sure I have a good stock of health potions. Harming and poison won't do any good for un-dead Nether mobs. I also check my bow strength, frowning at how weak it is. I'll need more splash potions to make up for lost strength. I work at that for a while, until I think I have enough. Then I move around my room, fixing little things as a nervous habit, until the daylight sensor goes off and my room goes dark.

I lie down, and allow one horrid thought to go through my head before I go to sleep I have no idea where we'll actually be looking. I will need the White Eyed Ones help.


'Wake up, no time to be lazy.' I what I wake up to. Ensver is calling out to Endev and I via telepathic communication. I pretend I didn't hear him, and roll over. 'You too, Endress.' He calls again.

'Fine, I'm up.' I call back, and sit up, stretching. I stand slowly, and pull my bag off the floor, slinging it around one shoulder. I pick my bow up from beside the door and put it across my other shoulder. As I'm about to leave the room, Endev passes by, still half asleep and grumpy eyed. "Morning sunshine." I half smirk through my own tiredness.

"The sun isn't awake yet, why are we?" He grumbles, still walking.

"I could pretend I know, but nowhere in any plan was there a decision to wake up so early. I thought we'd get up at noon or something." I follow after him, yawning.

Shamelessly Alive (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora