20. Unpleasant Family Reunion

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Two weeks have passed since I gave my speech, and things have gone pretty smoothly since then. Sure, there's still a lot of loud arguments, but no one has hurt another. At least everyone is trying to be united.

The hatch committee has been doing great, as every egg we've obtained has successfully hatched, and the new dragon humans are slowly coming to their senses. They bring the kingdoms population to eighty-six dragons. Almost a third of the population back home.

Some of the dragons are pretty young though, because we half in age when we rehatch, according to Ebigale. They come as young as ten human years old. Fortunately, some dragons only suffered pause deaths, and go as old as twenty-five years old. A pause death is when we come back exactly the way we were when we died.

After quite some debating with dragons old and young, I have decided to lower our fighting age from seventeen to fourteen. That gives us around forty dragons to fight with. We need our numbers. And, it would give someone like Endev, who fought so hard to fight for us, the chance to do so.

Shortly after her arrival, I put Endra in charge of training the full dragons. Once I deemed Netheana in good enough health, I made her train the dragon humans. The Gods know there's a lot she can teach them.

The rest of us that cant physically fight because they're too young, or physically unable, are being taught by someone named Valida on how to use their powers to extensive levels, while making sure they don't go too far.

Several dragons have also made brilliant defenses, lined along the walls of the kingdom so that no human can get through. Though many humans from different kingdoms have gotten curious or confused, as noted in recent letters, I can say with confidence that not a single army can touch us. We are becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Although things have been going well, there's no doubt everyone is slowing down. With the tenth Conquering Day being in just two days, everyone is going into mourning. For lost loved ones, and lost home. Everyone just wants to go home, be free.

I think if we could go back to the end, if only for a few hours, everyone would feel better. But we can't. I've even officially decided I'm not going anywhere near school for the End field trip.

Endra tells me she's going though. That someone has to see what we're dealing with. I make no effort to stop her, but instead offer her a human shifting potion, in hopes that it will trick the portal to stay open. If she says she's going to do it, bet yourself she will. Least I can do is help. I worry for her, but I know she's strong enough to handle herself.

In the mean time I sent Aviare, my foster Mother, a letter a week ago, letting her know where I am, what's happened, and that I'd appreciate if she came here for Conquering Day. Surely enough, she does.

When I leave the castle to check on things, someone comes flying in front of me, saying "There's a witch outside the walls, says she's here for you. Do we let her in?"

"Yes, let her in at once. Bring her here." I say. Once they've gone. I can't help but smile. It's been far too long since I've seen Aviare. I miss my foster Mom.

When they bring her up to me, she runs past them and grabs on to me, holding tight. "Oh, I've missed you so. Such awful things have happened to you." She says quietly, then lets go, still holding my arms "But you survived, and you won. I'm proud of you, my lovely child."

I don't think I ever realized how much I needed to hear that. "Thank you, Mom." I smile, grateful that I have her.

"Oh, of course." Aviare beams back at me, then her eyes widen. "Oh, also! Happy late birthday!" She says, pulling something out of her robe. At my confused and surprised face, she almost mimics it "Did you forget your own birthday? I worried about it when you didn't say anything before."

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