A Day In The Dome

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Morning comes with the banging of a hand on metal doors. "Wake up naughtys and new. You've been cleared to go outside." The jangle of keys in doors follows the

voice up the hall. They open two doors before they get to mine, and they simply nod at me to stand by my door. Then they turn to Ebigale's door and say "Hey Ebigale. I'm sure you know what today is. You're going to be a good girl right?" as they unlock the door.

"Of course. You're not touching her." Ebigale says quietly, stepping out of her cell. She sounds unlike the woman I spoke to last night.

"It's up to you if we do or don't." They say, closing the door behind her. Ebigale doesn't respond to that. She just follows them down the hall. I assume I'm supposed to follow.

I walk beside Ebigale, noting her fiery passion from last night is gone "What is today, if you don't mind me asking?"

"The useful powered dragons come back from Kings castle today. If you've got a power the humans think they can use, they take you up to Kings castle for about a week and force you to use it. It's all about control." Ebigale says angrily. Then she frowns "They take my daughter up there."

My eyes narrow, purely furious "What makes them think they have the right-"

"They don't have the right, so they gave themselves the right! It's the control. They think they control us. They think they control our powers. They think they can use them as if they are an advantage to other humans, so they use it to try to control them. It's and endless cycle!" Ebigale starts up again.

"Ebigale please. Are you going to try to convert the new dragon to your way of thinking?" Another woman in front of us asks. You can hear the eye roll in her voice.

"Hey, its just common sense that that's what these humans think! Besides, it's not like your house idea is much better." Ebigale crosses her arms.

I look between the two, noting the tension. They must know each other pretty badly, but I keep the question to myself. We walk into a big room with halls down both sides and dark wooden doors in front of us. The person who led us here unlocks the door and opens it, saying "I trust you don't need your hand held to get to the other dragons."

"Are you sure you don't want to hold my hand just in case?" Ebigale asks sarcastically, then walks through the door. Once the other two get through the door, they bolt down the hall we're subject to. Instead of it being the same stone brick walls, the walls and ceiling are made of glass, leading to a huge glass dome. "I guess I'm gonna be the one to show you around then, once everyone gets back." Ebigale says, looking behind us.

"I think I can look around myself, if you have something to do." I suggest, but I know I'll end up standing around until someone tells me where to go. I don't know this place.

"It's fine. Let's just get up there so they can let the boys back in. For whatever reason, they don't let boys and girls out together. We don't even share a cell hall." Ebigale says, then starts jogging up the rest of the glass hall. When we get into the dome, I look around in confusion and almost awe. The area is devised into four perfect quarters, with a farm in the center and only one house to the right. There seem to be several holes in the ground though, most likely caves. The thing that gets me most though, is that there are several fully fledged dragons flying about.

"We'll talk about the dragons later. Now though, I'll just give you a quick run through. I've been here forever, so I've seen this place divide itself. Unlike we were at home, we are not a united species with similar ideas. Exposed to different human ideas of right and wrong, everyone adapted them as their own because that's what we thought we needed to do to blend in." Ebigale begins to explain.

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