The leader, the brain, and the prick

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I look in my inventory bag and assess what I have mined today. Two stacks of iron, three stacks of coal. I deem it good enough for the day, and begin the trek out of my cave. Although the cave has no torches, I can still see fairly well, so I don't usually waste torches. Of course, this comes back to bite me when I leave the cave. If I leave before night fall, the sun blinds me on the way to my house.

It's the same case today, so I don't see what moves into a large bush as I walk past. I assume it's a skittish ocelot. When I uncover my eyes to look up the vine rope that I climb up to get to my treehouse, I see movement in the bushes. I pretend not to notice as I start to climb the rope. Only when I get on the platform infront of my house, the thing in the bushes starts to come out.

My warning bird, a parrot I taugh to call out when it sees a mob or human, caws out. It should mimic the noise of what it sees, but it just caws. I know what it sees before I look. I drop my inventory bag and pull my sword off my hip. I turn and look off of the platform, at the human at the bottom of my rope. It looks unarmed, but I cant just think it is. I throw my sword down, the end sticking out of the ground, then jump down. Having landed well on my hands and bent knee, I stand, shake off the impact, and pull my sword out of the ground.

The person before me is a boy, maybe two years older than I, wearing a purple jacket and blue jeans, accompanied by black hair.I see he is armed with a knife. I watch him defensively as he moves his hand behind hin and makes a 'come forward' motion. Two people, a boy and a girl, come to stand behind the first boy. They look me up and down, as if they're trying to decide if I'm a threat or not. There was something more to the girls look than that though.

As we just stand, I notice one pattern between all of them. They all have purple eyes. For half a moment I have hope they they are dragons, but I dont let myself believe it. Instead, I stick my sword in the ground once again. Its my sign that I will not attack, but I am ready to defend myself. The girl sticks her knife in her waistband and puts her hands out. The boys stare at her, she whispers something, then they turn back to me with the same look that the girl had given me.

I think they're deciding if I'm a dragon or not. I decide to ask first. "What are you?" A risky question if they are human, but I don't think they are.

"Nogard." The first boy says in dragontounge, expecting me to understand. I do.

I believe them, sure, but I want them to prove it, so I tell them "Show me."

The second boy, in a black leather jacket at black jeans, accompanied by a short frohawk, steps forward. In a thick Ender accent he says "Do you think we are idiots? I am not going to surrender myself to you while we dont know what you are."

I almost laugh, thinking contradiction "Ereh netsil. Dnatsrednu I ekil dnopser I dna era uoy tahw em dlot ereh ssob ruoy. Egaugnal ruoy kaeps I. Ma I tahw wonk t'nod llits? Toidi na era uoy.".

The front boy was trying to stiffle his laugh "She told you."

The second boy pushed past the other two, pulling off his hood. Poking out of his hair was little, maybe six inch long horns. He's trying to show off how much older he is "Watch who you are talking to, little girl.". He's certainly trying to make himself out as an alpha, but seeing the two now behind him, its clear to me that hes just the brawn. The girl is the brain. The other boy is the one holding them both together.

I pull my sword out of the ground, reattach it to my hip, and step past brawn to stand infront of Leader "How many of us are with you?"

"It's just us three right now. You would make four, if you'll join us. We wont make you, but I think it would be a good idea. We're stronger and safer together, and we'll all be together when we can finally get back home." He holds his hand out to me.

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