Love Your Witches

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As the sun begins to rise, we start flying out to find one of my friends to help us. As we slow over a swamp, I know they're questioning what kind of person I would've aligned myself with. I still don't tell them though, and just land on a big oak. I whistle a pattern loudly. Theres an answering whistle somewhere far left, so we fly that way, coming upon a small witch hut. When we land, Endev drops Natalie there. I whistle again, and an answer comes from inside. Grinning, I shout "Aviare, I've got your favorite news. I'm moving out of the jungle!".

A clatter comes from inside, then a loud "Finally!" Comes from a woman in robes running outside, turning to look at us. "Who are these folk?" Aviare points to the boys.

"Oh, these are some new friends. They're going to help me get real home." I say, nodding to them.

"Oh, you're finally making moves! Why are your friends looking at me like that?" She tilts her head, noting their growing confused looks and exchanged glances.

"Yeah, why are you two staring? I'm sure you've seen a witch before." I turn to them.

"Your friend is a witch, speaking in tongues." Endev stares between her and I.

"Speaking in tongues? Why, I oughta!" She says, offended.

"No, Aviare, they don't speak your language is all. I thought Enders could speak to all mobs, but it's actually just me. To them it sounds like you're talking strangely because its not English or Dragontongue. Endev, consider the option of multiple languages. Show some respect." I glare at him.

"Its fine, I can understand. Come inside you three." She smiles, going back inside.

"We can go inside." I say to the boys, then jump off the roof and go inside. I set my box by the door, and Endev sets Natalie next to it.

"Endress, I think your record for the least stuff has been beat." Endev says, looking around the tiny room. Theres only four things, a cauldron, a crafting table, a single chest, and a potted spruce sapling.

"Oh, thats just because everything is underground." Aviare smiles "But that's not whats important. You all know what youre doing right? You boys aren't just picking up ky girl and saying lets go home right now, right?"

"Um, translation?" Ensver looks at me confused.

"It doesn't look like a lot because everything is underground. And she's making sure you guys aren't just whisking me away back to the End without a plan." I laugh.

"No, we have a plan. Part of why we're here, I think." Ensver says, watching Aviare as she takes out four cups of milk and powdered cocoa beans. Mixing them together, she hands us all a cup and nods at Ensver. He looks down at the cup, then at me "What is this and why is she standing here?"

"It.. It's chocolate milk Ensver. Safe to drink. She's waiting for you to tell her the plan. Tell her what we need." I say, taking a sip of the milk.

"Oh, right." Ensver takes a drink, then turns back to Aviare "Endress and I are going to go to school, because they have field trips to the End. We have to go see what we're dealing with. Thing is, we wont be able to hide our dragon parts, especially my and Endevs horns, and the ones Endress will soon grow. We are wondering if you had anything that could help us." Ensver explains to her.

"Well, not exactly hide your dragon parts, but I can make you human, temporarily." Aviare says, looking back to the craft table.

"She can't hide dragon parts but she can make us human temporarily." I translate for the boys. "But Aviare, you never told me you had such a potion. When did you get it?" I ask.

"It's new. I met with the other witches a little while ago and we exchanged new potions. Cat was always the one for transformation studies. Oh, speaking of cats! Yours are moving with you right?" She looks at me, concerned.

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