22. The End

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The moment we enter the portal, and get back home after eleven long years, nothing about it reminds me of home. There's a giant museum right in front of the platform, with artifacts and texts the humans deemed important. I think they've also made a shopping mall, selling our things they've gotten from our castle. As if they have the right!

It's going to be awful getting things back in order. We're definitely going to have to rebuild the castle. What isn't broken, is open for tours.

The human buildings are being broken down quickly though, as dragons fly through them, destroying them, or pulling parts off of buildings and throwing them at humans. Caught in a moment of surprise at first, we appear to be besting the humans. That is, until the humans regain their wits.

I'm drawn out of watching whats left of my home, when the first purple light strikes out. Before I can succumb to fear already, I take Endellas hand, and we run across the island to perform our first task.

As humans begin to notice us, we keep out heads down and wings closes to make sure we don't get hurt, as the arrows bounce off our obsidian armor. Well, that's the case for a while, but the enchanted bows are starting to crack the armor, or get the arrows stuck.

That's fine for now though, because Endella and I have gotten where we needed. So we fly onto one of the obsidian pillars, like others have been tasked to. Endella pulls out a bag of Booms, and I take my bow off my shoulder.

It looks like even though the humans have higher numbers than us, we're doing really okay. There's a lot of purple lights though, so our numbers are slowly fading. We have to try harder, faster.

Rather than actually killing humans though, some dragons start throwing humans off with their wings. Getting scared, humans start fighting more recklessly, which is getting dangerous. Some start bringing out bottles of water and dampen their weapons, or just throwing the water at us, in an attempt to weaken us. I'll admit, it's a distraction.

I'm starting to run out of arrows, and Endella is completely out of Booms. We're dreading having to go down and fight up close, but we're running out of options. Neither of our powers reach the ground in a way that's useful. So with that, I look at Endella and nod, spreading my wings and flying down, her following close behind.

We take our swords off our hips, moving back to back so that we can't be attacked from behind. Humans waste no time surrounding us, ready to kill us the moment we move into their range.

"Blow flame, and don't miss your shots. Use your thumb claws." Endella reminds, then blows fire, bounding forward, swinging both axes.

I turn my side to deflect an arrow that's shot at me, then turn back to them, blasting fire in their faces. Moving forward, I clash swords with several different humans, before harshly cutting into one of their sides. I have to jump back to avoid getting hit, but someone manages to dig their sword into my arm pretty hard, once they stop hitting my armor.

Moving lightly on my feet, I start moving around them, making it easier to attack them. I pull one of them toward me quickly, cutting their throat. Before the other two have a chance to turn and fight me, I dig my wings thumb claws into the muscle on the back of their necks and pull.

Endella finishes dropping her humans too, so we move on before more come. We run toward the mall, only stopping to avoid getting hit. And suddenly, we're under fire.

There's no door wall to the shops, so humans are hiding behind exposed counters, chucking water bottles or shooting arrows at us. I try to shield Endella from getting hit on her side as we move. Foolish mistake, I realize, as something pierces my side.

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