Chapter 2

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"Maliya!" I heard my mother call out from downstairs.

My pencil dropped into the crook of my History book and I extended my head to the open door. "Yes?" I called out. After receiving no answer, I called out a second time, to still be ignored. "Ugh,"

I pushed myself off of my bed and sauntered down the staircase. "Yes ma'am?"

"Your teacher called me today,"
She began.

My heart sank to my toes and my fingertips went numb.

Had Mr. Powers told my mom about what I'd written? He can't tell her though, he kissed me back...

"From Mr. Powers. He says your distracted in his class." she continued.

"Distracted by what?" I asked, trying to act innocently.

"He doesn't know, but he says you aren't paying attention and that he recommended that you switch to Ms. Baylor's english class." she sighed looking at me with a face I could only perceive as disappointed. "Are you really screwing up? Your last year, Maliya?"

My head lowered. I wish I could tell my mom how I felt about Mr. Powers. I know it's weird that he is my teacher, but he's the most passionate guy I've ever met. Not to mention his handsome looks, evident muscles that can be seen through every shirt he wears, and gorgeous smile. He's the man of my dreams. He's perfect.

"...Maliya! Don't you ever listen? Geeze your teacher is right! You are distracted." she yelled. "Just go upstairs!"


It was 2:02 and eighth period was just beginning. I will not be joining class because I cannot face Mr. Powers. I cannot sit in a class for forty minutes pretending we never kissed. I'll die. Flashbacks from yesterday come to mind. My tummy turns. I was happy I kissed him. I was proud I finally grew some balls. But that was yesterday and today is today. And I know I can't kiss him. After I kissed him, or we kissed each other, a look of remorse had taken over Mr. Powers' face. He grew pale and he told me he was sorry and that I should go. I don't know why he apologized. But then I do. He enjoyed kissing me.

"Well well well, if it isn't little miss daydreamer." I heard the shrill, annoying, milk curdling voice of Tyra Dunham tease.

"What do you want, weirdo?" I rolled my brown eyes.

"Oh, I don't want anything. But, Mr. Powers just marked you absent, so I'll tell him you're here." she put on a fake smile.

Here's a little backstory. I hate Tyra, but I'm sure she hates me more. This feud between us began in eighth grade when I beat her out for class president. She put so much effort in trying to sabotage my campaign that she neglected her own. That year, I also "stole" her date for the eighth grade dance. In reality, he stole a kiss from me that night and somehow everyone found out. Ever since then, she's hated my guts so I guess her plan was to torture me through high school, but as expected, this did not work. High school is torture all on its own.

"I'm not here." I walked out of the bathroom pushing past her. I decided that I might as well head to class, considering I had no one to skip with. Anything is more interesting than sitting in a smelly bathroom or roaming the halls.

"Glad you finally decided to join us, Maliya." Mr. Powers greeted as I sat at my desk. I nodded and looked at the instructions on the board.

1. Write down what you know about poetry
2. Pg 775 read "introduction to poetry"
3. Write what you have learned from pg 775
4. Compose your own poem

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