Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks or so since I've talked to Mr. Powers alone. Even though I thought I'd be depressed and lonely, I've actually been happy. Jayven and I have been talking lately. A lot. He's actually invited me over his house today because we have a project together in our engineering class. It's only for half the year so finals are coming up soon.

After I called my mom and told her where I'd be, she gave me a lecture about sex and blah blah blah. I told her it wasn't like that and that was that.

He was driving his car which was a piece of beauty. I don't know much about cars but I know that his must've cost a lot.

"Hop in," he said.

He popped the lock and I got in on the passengers side. "Nice ride," I said.


We drove in silence with the music low. I stole a few glances at him and took in all of his sexiness. He's a really good looking guy. I studied how muscular his arm was as he caressed the steering wheel.

"What you looking at?" he smiled slyly.

I wanted to say 'your sexy ass...' but I'd decided against it. "Your arm, it's so muscular." I giggled.

"Oh that's 'cause I beat my meat with this arm." he said sounding serious.

I couldn't hold in the laughter and i started cracking up, my loud laughs drowning out the radio. "Are you serious?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Nah I was playing. But that laugh though."

His acknowledgment of my goofy laugh gave me the giggles again. "I know! My laugh is ugly."

"I think it's cute."

"Thanks," I bit my lip. He just called my laugh cute.

We rode in silence for a few minutes and then 'U Got It Bad' by Usher came on. "Oooh this is my song!" I exclaimed. Jayven reached over to turn the radio up and I sang along to the lyrics. Rifting and running just as well as Usher did.

"Damn," Jayven looked over at me. "I didn't know you could sing."

I just nodded and sang along like I was singing it to him. "You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about!"

"You're distracting the driver," he chuckled. I giggle along with him as we pulled up to a very quaint and nice house.

There was a black lexus parked in the driveway that Jayven had pulled into. "My mom's home." he said.

He led the way into his home and I noticed that he hadn't used a key. They must keep it unlocked.

I walked into a warm and quiet home where there was a heavenly smell wafting from the kitchen. I removed my coat and hat and Jayven took it from me and hung them on a hook.

"Mom,I'm home!" he called out.

"Come in the kitchen, baby," I heard the voice a woman sing.

Jayven grabbed my and and pulled me into the kitchen where his mom was. She was over by the stove and her long curly hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. When she turned, she beamed a white smile. "Hey son," she looked at me and kinda stared admiringly. "Who's this beautiful young lady?"

I blushed and Jayven introduced us. I shook her extended hand. "Nice to meet you." I said.

"Mom, Maliya and I are going to work on our project for engineering."

She nodded and he took me up the stairs.


"Have you ever made a rube goldberg machine before?" Jayven asked as he threw a mini basketball at his ceiling. His room was a typical boy's room. It wasn't messy but it was a bit junky. He had a bunch of cool sports stuff, instruments, and novelty toys.

"Nope," I said admiring a guitar in a corner. "You play?" I ask.

The ball fell from the ceiling and he caught it with one hand and sat up. "Yeah, but not as much. Football is kind of demanding, you know?"

I nodded and sat in his computer chair. "I think we should use a pulley," I suggested playing with some loose string I found on his desk.

"And dominoes," Jayven added.

"Ugh, everyone always uses dominoes."

"So? It's easier with dominoes,"

"No dominoes, Jay." I don't know what made me call him that. I'm not even sure that we've known each other long enough to use nick names.

"Great. Now he's gonna think I'm a weirdo."

"Jay?" he raised his brows, amused.

I shrugged. "I don't just felt appropriate at the time," I looked around his room nervously.

He laughed. "Everyone calls me that, Maliya."

"Oh," I rubbed my arm and bit my lip, trying to fight off any goosebumps that were forming.

"At least come up with something better," he patted his bed, asking me to sit next to him without using any words.

I wondered, "what cute name could I give this boy."

"Uhh...Jaybear?" I suggested, looking up at him.

He scrunched his nose up and shook his head. "No."

I threw my head back and sighed. "What's your middle name?"


"Hmm...Jayven Elijah...Jayven Elijah Morales...J...E...M...JEM?!" I had an epiphany. I looked at him to see his response and he was repeating it to himself.

"I actually kind of like that. No one will get it though." he laughed.

"That's the point. Now, my turn. Give me one." I pressed.

"Oh, that's easy. Princess." he shrugged.

"Princess?" I scrunched my nose up like he did when I said 'Jaybear'.

"Yes, Princess. It's fitting." he bit his lip and looked at my face. We were staring at each other and it was kind of awkward. For me at least. This is the first time Jayven has ever flirted with me. I always thought that he didn't see me that way.

"How?" I said cutting the silence. I anticipated what he'd say. Perhaps, something flirtatious that would stroke my ego?

"Well first, you're crazy beautiful. Like most princesses are. Then you're smart, passionate, and kind, and artistic. You just have all the qualifications of a princess," he said staring into my soul.

"You really mean that?" I asked in awe at his words. I gazed into his eyes as he gazed into mine.

"Yeah. Shoot, you could be Miss America if you weren't so short," he joked laughing.

I shoved him back and rolled my eyes.
"You're so mean. And I was just starting to like your ugly butt."

He continued with his laughter and I couldn't help but crack up myself.


Hmm Jem really is distracting our homegirl Maliya from that ol' Mr. Powers. But how long will it last? And how Mr.Powers gon feel after he sees Maliya with a guy? He might rejoice. Or, he might be pissed.

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