Chapter 7

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My head was buried into Jayven's chest as we entered Leah's home. I could smell the aroma of different herbs and spices coming from the kitchen. Leah's parents were both born in India but Leah was born here, in Mellowrock. They are, for the most part, the stereotypical Indian parents. Meaning that they are strict and fond of ruled so when they saw Jayven carrying me inside, their eyes widened.

Leah's mother exchanged words with her in Hindi. I couldn't make out squat but Leah seemed to grow more impatient buy the second. A few more words were exchanged between them and then Leah led the way up stairs. Jayven stood stagnant, afraid to move.

"Come on," Leah rolled her eyes.

We climbed each step and I grew dizzy. I was famished. I hadn't eaten all day and I haven't had much of an appetite lately.

"Here ya go,"Jayven said as he laid me across my best friend's bed. I stared into a daze thinking about the dream. That was the weirdest dream I've ever head. I couldn't get my mind off of Mr. Powers. He ignited a fire in me in my dream. And then the Jayven and Tyra thing made zero sense.

Maybe they were kissing because I saw them talking the last day before break.

I forgot all about the events leading up to the fire in all honesty. I never even finished my extra credit essay. Who cares anyway. I just want to lay in my bed. My bed. The one at my house. I hate having to leech off of people. I'm tired of everyone feeling sorry for me. I just want to go home. I just want to be at peace so I can write poetry with my music on low.

"Liy, what's wrong girl?" Leah rushed over to me, snapping me from my ever present thoughts.

The tears that welled in my eyes went unnoticed by my until my vision got blurry and I felt the wet warmth cascade into my hair. Lee pulled me into a hug and I cried in her arms like I did at the hospital. And like I did when my dad left. And like I did when my nana died.

"I just want to go home, Lee," I cried, "I wanna go home."


Everyone seemed surprised that I actually showed up to school. I'm not one to miss days if I don't have to. I glided through the day, with ease. I politely said thank you to the people who gave their condolences about my house and giving my mom well wishes. I even received a few cards. I'm not the most popular girl in school. But I'm high up the totem pole. I never cared about popularity or people liking or hating me. I'm just here.

"Hey kid," Janae smiled. She's a pretty good friend of mine. I've known her since freshman year but we don't have any classes together so I don't see her as much.

"Hey," I tried my best to return her smile. I watched her face straighten as she looked into mine. She got close to me, close enough that I could smell the weed on her hoodie. She's a really pretty girl. She's actually one of the prettiest girls in school but all that pot might catch up to her in a few years.

"How you holding up?" she asked me.

No one died. I'm fine. Why are people so sad. It's only a house. I'm just happy my mom is still here.

"I'm doing alright," I said looking off into a distance.

She nodded and pushed some her short hair behind her ear,"that's good. And if you need anything, just let me know. See you around kiddo," She strutted away and I watched as a guy walked up to her and put his arm over his shoulder. She pushed it off and shoved him away.

I snickered to myself and shook my head. The first bell rang and I walked down the crowded hall to my eighth period class. Instead of pushing people out of the way like I usually do, I just slid through saying "excuse me," of course to only be ignored.

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