Chapter 33

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I rubbed my wrists and gritted my teeth as I walked out of the police station. My arms slipped into my jacket that was just given back to me after being confiscated. Taking in a deep breath, I looked at Clarissa who had a stern expression on her face as I walked up to her. I couldn't call my mom and tell her. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I, her oldest son, had been arrested on charges of domestic violence and aggravated assault. How was I supposed to know that my ex had filed a police report just hours before I left for Cali?

"Where are we going?" Clarissa asked as she whipped her seat belt over her.

"Home," I looked out the window and blinked knowing, with this charge, I wouldn't be able to leave the city of Chicago. That would mean I can't finish filming the movie and more importantly, I wouldn't be able to see Maliya.

Everytime I attempt to get my shit together something happens. Maybe the universe is conspiring against me. What am I doing so wrong for my fate to be this way? This whole incident could possible break the heart of the love of my life.

The worst part for me is telling her I may be facing jail time.

I can't see how things could get any worse from here.


"Algee, would you quit it?" I laughed. Algee was being his natural silly self. We had a few minutes left in our session but we wrapped everything up before then so we all chilled, catching up with each other.

"Aye, have any of you heard from Keith?" Elijah asked as he came in the room with a bag of chips and water.

"Uhh yeah," I spoke up, "he texted me not too long ago saying he landed in Chicago."

"Oh yeah I forgot he flew there to make Skylar's birthda--" Elijah stopped himself, "wait." He chuckled, "so y'all are a thing?"

I didn't say anything I just looked into my phone. Keith and I hadn't discussed whether or not we'd tell people yet. I didn't want to make things awkward especially since these are the people he works with.

"Yes, No? Maybe so?" Algee raised his eyebrows.

"We're old friends, that's all. Now will you guys please quit badgering me about him?" I pleaded.

They raised their hands in defense and Luke just sat back and shook his head. He was visibly the more laid back one of the group.

"Maliya." I heard the stern voice of my dad echo as he stood in the doorway of the studio.

"Yeah?" I looked at him. I still was not feeling him for that stunt he pulled a couple days ago. It still baffled me that after all these years he chooses now to step up to the plate and be a dad.

"Can I talk to you for a moment? In my office?"

I nodded and followed him out. The boy's "ooo'ed" like school kids and I flicked them off leaving them to chuckle amongst each other.

"I want to apologize to you for the way I acted the other day. You can see who you want," he sat behind his desk, getting to the point before I could even open the door.

I nodded, not knowing what exactly there was to say.

"I'm also sorry that I wasn't there... in your life," he spoke up, "I guess by doing that I thought I was making up for all the fathering I missed out on. I now realize that just put a bigger strain in our relationship. I don't want to be back at square one with you so I'm hoping that you'd accept my apology."

My father looked at me. One thing my mom always told me was that I had my father's eyes. She never saw that as a good thing. I could stare my way out of trouble and my deep, soulful stare would gain the sympathy of others.

"I forgive you."

How could I not? He's my dad. He's a human. I get that people mess up. It's just that when the people closest to you mess up it affects you the most and hits you the hardest.

Like a fucking anvil to the face.

Forbidden Fruit (A Keith Powers Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant