Chapter 3

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"Maliya?" I heard the voice of my best friend call out. Mr. Powers and I jumped apart as she turned the corner. Her tiny frame came into view and she looked worried.

"I was looking all over for you," she began, and then she looked up at Mr. Powers and then back at me, with a knowing smirk on her face. "Did I interrupt something?"



We both answered in unison. Except he said no. "You girls should go home, it's pretty late." Mr. Powers suggested.

Leah nodded, and I just stood there. I was completely bewildered at how he could hide that he wanted to kiss me tonight. It's scary because that makes it all the more believable, that he'll never see me as anything more than a student.


Staring off into a daze, I daydreamed about how I'm gonna finish of the year. Since I earned an internship, I'll have something to do to fill in the spaces in my schedule. I'll have more than enough credits to graduate after I finish Law, History, and AP English.

"Wassup Leelee," Zayden's deep voice snapped me out of my trance. "Are you getting lunch?"

"First, my nick name is not Leelee, we've been through this," I chastised him, "and second, no."

"Oh," he said. "Well then can I get a hug?"

I scrunched up my nose and decided on giving him one. It's clear that he has a thing for me but I'm not attracted to him. That's my case with most of the guys who've liked or had a crush on me. I'm not stubborn or difficult, I just have a specific taste and there are few that adhere to it.

After a hug that lasted a bit too long for my liking, Zayden walked away. And more people started to file into the lunch room, taking seats where I was sitting. "Hey Maliya," Cayla greeted me with a hug.

"Hey boo." I said.

I got up from the table and headed for the main hall. Everyone asked me where I was going.

Why are people so nosey?

"I'm going to visit a teacher," I said walking out before anyone could ask which teacher.

"Mr. Powers?" I knocked on the cracked door.

"Come in." he said.

I stepped into his room and realized this was the first time we were alone in his classroom since we kissed two days ago. He stood and cleared his throat, coming from behind his desk.

"Maliya, the past couple days have been to me. I know some girls have crushes on me, I understand I'm in a building full of hormonal teenage girls, and I know I'm young, but I'm still your teacher. It has to get through to you that we could never be." he stressed, looking as if he pitied me.

"I understand that you're my teacher."

"Then why are you continuously throwing yourself at me?" he questioned.

"Throwing myself at you?" I paused. "I didn't mean to come off as desperate...I'm not...or maybe I am. Maybe I'm desperate for you to touch me and feel the way I feel for you. I just wish you could understand how perfect you are to me." I held back an abundance of tears. I needed to let them go but I didn't. The pain in my heart was nearly unbearable. And he wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't he saying anything?

"Will you just admit it?" I scowled.

"Admit what, Maliya?"

"That- that you were gonna kiss me last night." I looked into his eyes to make sure he was looking at me, and he was. He had his hands tucked into his arms, hugging himself with a concerned look on his face.

"Maliya," he started, " I admit that I was going to kiss you last night. I don't know what had gotten into me. But I don't want to lead you into thinking that it is appropriate for us to have a relationship." Mr.Powers bit his lip and looked me over. "You're a very attractive and intelligent young woman, but I love my job and I won't risk it for a relationship that might not work out."

I nodded. "I understand, Mr. Powers."

"Good, now, you'll be starting in Ms. Baylor's class on Monday-"

"No!" I interrupted him. "I rather stay here, I'm more comfortable with your teaching style and you're on poetry. I really, really love poetry."

He sighed, "Alright, I'll let her know then."

I nodded again and headed out the door.

"See you eighth, Maliya."

Eighth period couldn't roll around quick enough. I maneuvered my way through the sea of kids on their way to class. Trying my best to see ahead of me, I forgot to pay attention to what was in front of me and I bumped into a hard surface. "Owwe!" I shrieked.

"Damn! Watch where you're go-" Jayven Morales started but when he turned around to see who it was, his face softened. "Oh, sorry Maliya, I thought you were one of those snot nosed freshmen."

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention."

Jayven Morales and I never really talk but we know of each other. We're both pretty popular but we're at different canopies of the rainforest. He's known as the pretty boy quarterback who has brought our team to victory each year since he was a sophomore. I'm the pretty book smart girl who keeps to herself but everyone seems to know. He's a dream boy and I've had a crush on him since I saw him the first day of highschool.

"You going to class?" he asked me.

"Yup. Are you?"

He nodded yes. "I wasn't at first though because I didn't have my poem done. But I got some girl to write it for me." he laughed.

I shook my head. "Write your own next time."
The halls were clearing and the bell would ring any second. He didn't seem to care because he kept a steady pace while he walked with me.

"I should've gotten you to write my poem. Yours are better." he expressed, breaking the short moment of silence between us.

"How'd you know I write?" I asked, surprised.

He laughed. "Remember, in ninth grade? The poetry slam? I'll never forget that."

"Oh my goodness why do you remember that?" I laughed.

The bell rang and he just shrugged. We entered the filled classroom and took two seats next to each other. I looked at the front of the class and saw that Mr.Powers was looking at us. He then put his focus onto the board and began his lesson for the day.


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