Chapter 25

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My hands caressed Keith's naked, muscular arm as we laughed in my bed. We caught up with each other over the last few months and now I can finally say I feel comfortable around him. I'm eighteen, he isn't a teacher, I'm not in high school anymore. There isn't a thing holding me back from being with him. Besides my morals. I'm not the type to just give in after an apology. You have to earn my trust. That's just how it is with me.

"So, Saturday night, I wanna take you out. And I want to see if I can win your heart then." He spoke with a confidence that was fairly new.

"You seem so confident. And my heart isn't something that can just be won," I said sarcastically.

He stroked his chin which housed a few hairs that were growing. "I am quite confident-"

I scoffed, "If you think that's gonna get you somewhere with me, you're wrong. Never judge a book by it's cover."

I laughed hysterically and Keith followed suit, in a fit of laughter.

"You are so corny," he chuckled.

I shook my head and sat up, gazing into his eyes. I hated how well we got along. His perfect teeth made me want to kiss him but I am stronger than that. He has to earn me back."I think you should get going, everyone will be waking up soon and if my dad catches you in here there will be hell to pay."

He nodded, understanding and sat up, throwing his legs off the side of my bed. I watched his back muscles flex as he threw his shirt over his head. He put his feet in his Yeezy's and grabbed his phone and charger. "Ready," he said.

Nodding, I stood from bed. He followed me out my room and down the hall to the grand stair case. We were walking down the steps when I felt his finger interlocking with my hair.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

He shrugged and kept playing with my hair which was just pressed, as usual. "It's pretty."

We reached the bottom and I laughed, opening the door for him. "So, I'll see you..."

"Tomorrow. I'll be at the studio."

"Okay," I smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He pulled me into a hug that was more than a friendly hug. His large hands caressed my lower back as I wrapped my arms around his torso, taking in his scent.




Today I decided I would actually get some work done. Michael King, the song writer my dad was talking about, had finally showed up and we were finally "in business."

Mr. King wasn't at all what I expected. He was a tall and buff brown-skinned man, a bit older than my dad. He looked more like a Dj than a songwriter.

Algee, Luke, and Elijah were warming up while I worked out the song board when Mr. King approached me.

"This what you're going to school for?" Michael asked.

I nodded and continued on with what I was doing. I accept the fact that I am attractive, all cockiness aside, so I know that he's staring at me a little too long. His scent lingered close and whatever type of cologne he wore certainly choked me. The door clicked open and in walked Keith. I gave him a polite wave then placed my fingers back on the sound board. Michael left me alone after monitoring me rather closely.

"What do you have to do after work?" Keith asked, as he leaned on the vending machine that was currently vending my water.

"Nothing that I know of," I raised my eyebrow, "why?"

He shrugged and grabbed my water for me. "I wanted to know if you were free."

"Aren't you taking me out Saturday anyways?"

"He's taking you out?" I heard the familiar, stern voice of my father speak.

"I - um-" I choked up. No words or excuses came to mind and I was stuck.

"Maliya, can I talk to you for a minute?" My dad made it seem like I had a choice but really, I didn't.

"Sure," I plastered on a nervous smile and followed my dad to his quite luxurious office.


"Are you uh...involved with him--Keith?"

I wonder if it's a dad thing or he just forgets I'm an adult because he legitimately forgot. "Dad, I'm 18-"

"And he's twenty-four," my dad interjected.

"That only proves that we're both adults," I loved challenging my father. There was just something about the way I make him think. Even when he becomes irrational it is still amusing.

"You have too big a future in front of you to be falling for him, Maliya. He's going to blow up pretty quickly and the last thing I want is for you to be dragged into it."

"What are you trying to say? I can't take care of myself!?" I scoffed.

The pen holder on my dad's desk had become his stress ball. He tried to squeeze it out of shape. "That's not at all what I'm saying."

"Okay then, what are you saying?" I crosses my arms and looked af him coldly.

"I'm saying that you can't see him anymore."

My eyes widened then narrowed all under a second. "What- you can't do that! I'll see who I want!"

"He will do nothing but distract you, Maliya. You start school soon and you have a paying job here. You don't need to be worrying about a Keith Powers right now. I can already see you crying over the guy now. You. Don't. Need. That."

I shook my head, ignoring the truth behind what my dad had said. Yes, Keith caused me grief in the past but I'm at a different point in my life. I can't tell my dad the truth because he wouldn't understand. I'll just keep it to myself until I get on the phone with Leah. Like I usually do. "You don't know what I need."

I stormed out of his office and into the fresh Los Angeles air. I hated my dad for suddenly acting like he knows me or something. It's a little too late for him to play father.

I just hope he knows I'm going to defy his wishes now. In every way.




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