Chapter 32

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I swung my feet and laid across my bed as my phone dialed Leah's number. I hadn't called her in a while and I definitely need to fill her in.

"Hello," she said, with her thick accent.

"Lee you would not believe all the shit that's happened in the past few weeks, girl."

"Hold on let me get a snack, I know this is about to be long."

I chuckled as I heard her shuffling around then her voice telling me to go on. I started off by telling her about my situation with Keith. I went in depth about how I feel and why I allowed him back into me life. "I never wanted him to leave in the first place, Lee. But maybe this is what's best because by the both of us moving here, we get a fresh start."

"That's true girl, but I don't know... situations like this continuously come back to bite young girls in the ass. I mean, yes you may love him, but honestly, truly, just because you guys essentially started over, that doesn't erase the past," Leah sighed, "I'm not trying to be a downer I'm just looking out. Plus you're a little naïve."

"I understand where you're coming fro- wait. Naïve?! How am I naïve?" I sat up, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Damn, you're also in denial." She said.

"I am not..." I pouted as if she could see me.

"Mhm, anyways continue before I fall asleep on you like last time." She chuckled and so did I as I proceeded to tell her about Bryshere, his secret son, and our "date".


I took a deep breath as I got off the plane and walked through the O'Hare International airport. It felt weird, but also relaxing to be home.

"Keith!" Skylar ran up to me and hugged my legs. I picked her up effortlessly and kissed her cheek as she laughed.

"Hey Kid," I smiled. My mom joined us and hugged me.

"Hi son," she greeted, "how was your flight."

"Eh, it was alright. Pretty good, actually."

We made small talk as we walked out the airport to my mom's car. "Where'd you park?" I asked.

She smiled and pointed to a familiar jet black Mercedes Benz with tinted windows. "My baby!" I yelped.

My mom laughed, "I decided to drive your car because I just know how much you missed it. You can drive back." She tossed me the keys and I smiled, opening the door for Skylar.


I smiled, looking at my phone reading the text I got from Keith :

Keith: just landed. See you in two days be ready for your surprise 🙃

I giggled before replying :

Me: surprise? Hmm can't wait lol. I'll see you in two days.

I threw my phone to the side and got up from my bed. It was a work day and I knew exactly what I had to do. I got up, and did my morning hygiene routine before getting dressed and ready for the day.


"Morning," I said sliding into a stool at the kitchen counter. Jessica was flipping pancakes and frying eggs. I could also smell turkey bacon cooking.

"Morning Sweetie," Jessica smiled.

She sat my food in front of me along with a fork and some orange juice.

"Thank you," I said before saying a prayer then digging in to my breakfast.

"Maliya," I heard Jessica breathe.

I looked up at her and she had her eyebrows raised with her hands closed up within each other. "Yes?"

"Um, I know you don't know me that well and that I'm probably not the first person you'd want to talk to but I am here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, I am here."

I looked at her and nodded, at a loss of words. I was shocked to hear her say that. I never thought ill of her but I admit that I had an idea of her already before I even met her. I could only see her as the woman that broke our family apart so she could have her own. "Thank you, Jess." She smiled at me and got back to what she was doing. I quickly finished my food and headed out the door. I walked past Keith's jeep he put me "in charge of" and hopped into my car. I shook my head looking at Keith's ride, instantly thinking of him and wondering about what he was doing right now.


"Skylar, where did all this energy come from?" I laughed, watching her jump around. My mom was preparing for her party later on today and I had to make sure Skylar stayed out of trouble.

"Hey Hey Hey!" I heard the voice of my older sister Clarissa yell. I stood up and greeted her as she walked into the living room.

"Rissa!" Skylar ran to her hugging her legs. Clarissa chuckled and picked her up.

"Happy Birthday big girl!" Clarissa smiled.

"Thank you!" Skylar wrapped her arms around Clarissa's neck as our mom walked in.

"Hey, pumpkin. You just got in?" My mom asked as she dried her hands.

"Yep," Clarissa said as she put Skylar down to hug my mother.

"Good, that means you can watch Sky while Keith goes to the store to pick a few things I need up."


My mom shot me a look that was all too familiar and Skylar and Clarissa chuckled.

"Alright, alright. I'll go. Just text me the list."

My mom nodded and I grabbed my keys before heading out the door.

"Are you serious?!" I sighed, pulling over as I saw the flashing red and blue lights behind me. An officer walked up to my window and I rolled it down.

"Licence and registration please," he asked.

I sighed, complying with him, showing him what he needed to see. "What am I being stopped for?" I asked, looking at him.

"Step out of the car, Mr. Powers." He stepped back a little.

"What?! Why?" I asked, growing frustrated.

"Step out of the car." The officer kept a straight face.

I knew the narrative all too well. Black man, white cop, tragedy. I wanted to avoid any dangerous outcomes so I did as asked. I was forcefully pushed onto the hood of my car and the officer pulled my hands behind my back.

"Mr. Powers you have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney..."

"What?! For WHAT?! Why am I being arrested?!" I tried to look back at the officer and he ignored me as he threw me into the backseat of his police car. I've never had any run ins with the law and I've never broken any laws. I know this has to be a mistake.

WOAH. Stay tuned... next chapter is gonna be nuts 😩😭

Forbidden Fruit (A Keith Powers Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon