Chapter 19

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"3...2...1! Happy New Year!"

I heard everyone scream out from downstairs. My aunt was hosting a new year's eve party and she begged me to join. I couldn't muster up the strength to roll out of bed for the past few days and I wasn't going to do so now. I'd much rather bring in the new year alone anyway. A couple hours before, I finished up a few projects that were assigned over break. I'd gotten a lot done so I rewarded myself with some spongebob.

I mindlessly giggled at the pink and yellow blobs on my tv screen when my phone started to ring. For the past few days, people have been calling me with bullshit about Tyra's party and basically naming my the whore of Cooley High, so I've been declining every call from an unknown number. Before I could so, I looked into my phone and saw that Keith was calling me. My heart dropped and I debated on answering or not. He hasn't responded to any of my calls or texts so I just stopped. But now he's calling me.

I sighed and answered the call.

I'm so weak.

"H-hello?" I croaked.

"Ha-apy New Yearrr Maliya!" He slurred, "I loveee You!"

My mouth fell open and I was close to hanging up. He only called me out of his intoxication. Ugh.

"Liyaahh! Are you therree?"

"Yeah, uhm I'm here."

Judging by the noise in the background, I could tell he was at a party.

"Are you okay, Keith?"

"Yeah!" he yelled a little too loudly. "I'm just drunk as shit! And I loveee you Maliya!"

The more he slurred the more I could tell he needed some assistance.

What the fuck...

"Oooh Liyah, I'm drunk right, and I'm in love with you! So do that mean I'm drunk in love?" he laughed drunkenly and proceeded to sing drunk in love by Beyonce.

"Keithh," I groaned.

"What Liyah? Stop playing girl I got vocalsss."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I was legit worried about him but I have no clue where he is and I have no way to go and get him.

"Keith, where are you?" I asked him.

He chuckled and slurred,"I'm on my way to youuuu."

My eyes widened. "Oh no no no! You can't drive! You're too drunk just stay where you are!"

"I'll call you whenn I'm outside Liyahh. Bye."

The line went dead and I went into panic mode. If he dies or kills someone else, I'll never forgive myself. There's also nothing I can do. I don't know how close or far he is.

"Dear Lord, I just want you to keep watch over Keith tonight, I don't know where he is but I know you do so please, just make sure he gets here or home safely. Amen."

I let out a breath after my prayer and a tear slipped down my cheek. I jetted down the stairs, pajamas and all and headed for the kitchen.

"Hey, you finally decided to come down," my aunt Jan smiled. People were gathered all throughout her living room, kitchen and dining room. I never knew she had so many friends.

"Come here, I want you to meet everybody," my aunt grabbed my arm.

"Oh no Aunt Janice, I can't right now. I just came down for some water," I told her anxiously.

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