Chapter 18

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"I can't believe they really had you locked up!" I exclaimed to Leah. "I thought you hated me after what I did. I'm sorry, and thank you for sticking up for me like you did."

Leah sucked her teeth and I could only hear the silence from the other end of the call. "I'm grounded two times over. For one going to the party and two getting locked up."

I felt guilty for some reason. Leah has always been the most serious about school. Her parents are super strict and her having a record could jeopardize her chances of getting into an Ivy league.

"It's not your fault though. I can't believe Tyra would do that! And don't get me started on that asshole Jayven," she ranted. "You're testifying right?"

"About that..." I trailed off.

"What? So you're not? Bitch are you dumb?"

I sighed. "I can't testify, Leah."

"Why not?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Because, Tyra threatened to send out a picture of Mr.Powers and I kissing." I confessed.

"How the hell did she get that?"

"Like I know. It seems like she takes video or pictures of everything."

"Ooh my goodness I can't stand her. If I see her outside imma straight fuck her up." Leah threatened.

"You've done enough. I can handle the rest. Just trust me." I reassured her.



"Ugh! Keith! Yes!" Xara screamed as I rammed my shaft into her from behind. I grunted as I bit down hard on my lip. Her walls gripped my tight and I threw my head back in intense pleasure. No sex for a good five months had me starting to go crazy.

"Damn, Maliya," I grunted as I plunged deeper into her, releasing my semen inside of her.

"What, you call me?" Xara said in between breaths.

"Huh?" I asked as I laid down beside her.

"Don't huh me nigga! Who the fuck is Maliya?" she kneeled on the bed in front of my face.

"I- uh she..." I didn't know what to tell her, honestly. I couldn't tell her who Maliya really was because she'll think I'm messing around with a student.

"You know what, I'm leaving." Xara got up and snatched her clothes up, angrily throwing them on.

"Xara wait," I said grabbing her arm.

"Get your hands off of me!" she snatched away and walked into my living room where she shimmied on her jeans. I quickly followed her and begged her to stop.

"Tell me who she is then." she crossed her arms and gave me a death glare.

"She's a girl I got involved with after we broke up." I lied.

Xara narrowed her eyes. "You said you weren't with anyone after me."

"It wasn't serious. We just had sex a few times but she means nothing to me," I lied again.

Xara stared at me a few seconds longer then sighed, plopping onto the couch. I slid next to her and nuzzled into her neck. "I'll stay, but I better not ever hear her name again."

"You won't," I told her. I was trying to make myself believe that as well.



It's been two days and my mom still hasn't spoken to me. She hasn't cooked a meal or even looked at me. She's been giving my the cold shoulder since she found out what went down at Tyra's party and under her roof. I don't blame her one bit. She has every right to disown me. I hate myself for giving Tyra the video but I really did try to talk her out of showing everyone.

"Tyra, that's insane!" I yelled at her while we stood in her room.

"I don't care, I want her to feel every ounce of embarrassment I felt. And then some." Tyra said through gritted teeth.

"It happened so long ago. You seem to be the only one who still cares." I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you defending her? She did cheat on you." she reminded me.

I looked at her face. She had an obnoxious smirk on it but she was kind of right. But it was still bad. Plus, she'd be exposing me as well.

"How about this," Tyra inched closer to me. "You give me something I want and I won't play your little sex tape for everyone to see."

I scrunched my face. "That depends on what you want."

Tyra kissed my neck and proceeded to grab my package. I was not in the mood for sex and definitely not with Tyra. I heard some shit about her and she apparently puts the 'T' in STD.

"Move," I said shoving her away. "I don't want anything you got."

She pursed her lips and marched her skinny ass down stairs. I decided that at that point, I'd leave.

And that was the last I knew of what happened. I could've done more. But, I was in my feelings. I don't care about Tyra at all. I had feelings for Maliya but she obviously didn't feel what I felt for her. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal until the police came knocking on our door at around three in the morning. Apparently Maliya went missing and the first place they checked was her boyfriend's house.

"Is your mother home, Mr. morales?" An officer asked me. His plate said officer Thompson.

I nodded. Before I could reach the steps, my mom came down frantically.

"What's going on?" she asked. She looked at me then at the officers in her living room.

"We had a report that Maliya James did not return home last night. Her Mother and Aunt are worried. Do you happen to know her whereabouts?" Officer Ealy asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"What do you mean? You left her there?" my mom questioned.

"If it's okay, we'd like to take you down to the station to ask some more questions."

My mom looked at me in disappointment. I was cuffed in the back of a police car, guilty of no crime. Yet. I could be going to jail. That means college is over. Football is done. And my hard work will be wasted. All because of a dumb decision I made.




Hey guys! This was just a little chap that filled you in on where everyone's head is during this time. (Almost everyone) How y'all feel about Maliya and Leah becoming close again? Keith callinh Xara Maliya 💀? And Jayven's remorse? Do y'all think he really feels bad or he's upset because of the consequences? LMK.

Btw, I haven't updated in a while because I was busy celebrating my birthday! (July 25) I was busy the days before and getting stuff ready and then the day and after it weren't available because my party was a two day thing. But yeah I'm glad I'm back though lol.

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