Chapter 15

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"No offense but, how do you afford to live here on a teacher's salary? And also have that nice car?" I asked.

Keith chuckled and turned the tv down. "I don't just teach."

In the back of my mind, I was thinking he was some sort of escort. "What else do you do?"

"I uh, read scripts for movies. And also make edits."

My eyes widened. "Wow, so I guess creativity runs in your family."

Keith nodded and smiled. "You might find this funny but, I actually wanted to be an actor."

"Why didn't you become one then?"

He sighed and stared off into the distance. "Acting can take a while to lift off. I needed money asap, you know? And also, in high school, I was a prodigy. Not to toot my own horn, but I excelled in every class, especially English. I graduated at 15 and ended up at the top of my class. Everyone expected me to go to college and either be a doctor, lawyer, or teacher. But I wanted to be an actor. I still do."

"And you still can." I assured him. "Highschool is borderline hell anyways."

He laughed heartily and I caught a nice glimpse of his pearly whites. "I'm serious," I giggled.

"I have another question," I said biting my lip glancing at his bare chest.

"And that would be?"

"When are you going to put a shirt on?"

He glanced down at his honey glazed muscles and looked back up at me. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

I nodded. "Just a bit."

He got up and took a short trek to his bedroom and came back with a white t-shirt on him.

"Now," he sat down letting out a breath, " when are you gonna let me take you home?"

Reality hit me and I bit down hard on my lip. Looking at Keith, I shrugged coyly. "Whenever I come up with something to tell my mom."

He shook his head. "Why can't you tell her what really happened?"

"Because she'll die. She thinks I'm still a virgin and we're staying with my aunt and I don't want to tarnish my image and...I just don't know what they'll think of me."

"They're your family, Maliya. They love you and they know that everyone makes mistakes. You're seventeen. There are a whole lot more mistakes you're gonna make later on. Trust me, I know."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"And I'm actually eighteen, by the way."

"When did that happen?" Keith chuckled.

"Yesterday," I whispered twirling my thumbs.

"Oh, well, happy belated birthday. I'm sorry you had to spend it that way."

"It's fine," I smiled. "Why are you so kind?"

Keith shrugged and turned his head to the tv. "Oh, I charged your phone, by the way."

"Where is it?" I knew my mom and aunt were probably blowing me up.

"It's in my room on the nightstand. I'll get it," he said ready to get up.

"No, you sit down. You're doing enough for me."

I got up from his couch and made my way to Keith's bedroom. I hadn't had a chance to get a good look at it before. I noticed how neat it was. Everything was so clean and seemingly untouched. I went to check my phone and saw that I had fifty missed calls, ninety two texts, and endless amounts of Instagram and Twitter notifications. I sighed and walked into the living room where Keith was.

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