Halfway Point Pt. 1

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"So, what's this Sabaody place supposed to be?" Lexi asked, tucking her pistol into the holster on her hip. The few other members of the Heart Pirates that would be going ashore surrounded her, strapping themselves up with their own weapons, ensuring the quality hadn't degraded and searching for any rust that might have formed since they last checked them.

Molly, the only other female in the crew, straightened up from tying her shoes, grinning with great mirth. "Well, it's where all the paths from the first half of the Grand Line converge, so all the crews sailing end up here at some point. Though, today in particular is pretty strange, to say the least."

Lexi cocked her head in confusion, following the other brunette out the door as the crew trickled back into the mess hall to wait for the sub to resurface. "What do you mean?"

With a chuckle, Molly wrapped an arm around Lexi's shoulder and pulled her closer. "Were you this clueless back in your world, too?" She paused, as if expecting her to answer, but continued on anyway. "Well, you know how the Captain's part of the Worst Generation?"

"Yeah..." Lexi nodded, following thus far.

"There's 11 Supernovas in all, and all of them are nearing the end of their Grand Line sailing. More than likely, we'll see more than a few of them today."

Eyes widening, Lexi had no choice but to be dragged into the seat beside Molly in the mess hall, waiting for that familiar bumping and jostling of going above the waves of the ocean. Bepo's voice came over the intercom, then, giving them an update.

"Brace for resurface!"

Lexi held onto the table easily and waited through the back and forth and up and down motion of the resurface process, before everything seemed to stable out and settle back into normalcy. The crew waited patiently for several minutes, talking and conversing between one another before Bepo came back over the intercom. "Docking in progress."

There were several thumps and bumps as the sub docked at the port of the island, and most of the crew were up on their feet at this point, ready to set foot on the island for the first time. The buzzing of conversation never ceased, and Lexi found herself being dragged through the crowd of her comrades by the ever-enthusiastic Molly, towards the main hatch of the sub.

"Come on, slowpoke." She teased, securing a spot close to the door.

Once the sub was securely docked, the person up front opened the hatch and swung it open, revealing the outside deck of the sub, and beyond that, the island of Sabaody Archipelago.

"Wow..." Lexi found herself mumbling quietly, stepping out with the rest of the men to see the island in it's full glory. The place was...mystical. Out of all the words she could use to describe it, that was the most fitting. The tall mangrove trees soared high up, almost out of sight. Being used to smaller plant life, Lexi was floored to see just how large the trees on the island were, standing hundreds of feet tall and spanning dozens of feet across.

There were similar sounds of awe and amusement from the men around Molly and Lexi as they surveyed their surroundings, and a lone set of footsteps punctuated their wonder.

"Let's get going." Law's voice ordered, cutting through the stillness from his crew and effectively cutting the surreal moment short. He walked in front of the small group, heading towards the nearest section of the town.

"Aye, Captain!"

The crowd of pirates slowly descended onto the grassy island below, and as soon as Lexi's feet hit the grass, she gasped.

"It's so soft and bouncy..."

"Yup, this place has a lot of moisture built up underneath the island itself. It leaves the ground wet and soft all the time, and coupled with the air, it creates bubbles that float up from the ground." Molly added in. Lexi cocked her head with interest, staying behind the main crowd of men so they wouldn't accidentally get lost.

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