Convincing Granger

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I knew you guys were awesome! here's another chapter, its early cuz I promised :P ENJOY! 


“I found a flat the other day, rent is reasonable and now you can have your room back,” Hermione stated over dinner a few weeks later.

            Ginny had come home after a few days James in the hospital in which Hermione and Harry spent the time getting things set up for , while they set up the crib and everything else Hermione had noticed how little the flat was. It was time for Hermione to move.

            Ginny grabbed her hand and gave a sad smile, “you can stay as long as you’d like to love.”

            Hermione shook her head, “it’d be better for you if I wasn’t around. You need the room Gin. I don’t mind moving.”

            Ginny gave a sigh and smiled sadly before leaning back in her chair, “if you say so.”

            Hermione smiled and took a sip of her drink before getting up from the table.


            “Come on now! Everything’s gone, you owe me a meal!” Draco said frustrated before putting down the last box of books and wiping his face.

            Hermione walked into the room and sighed, “this is the last trip I swear!”

            Draco stretched before picking up the box and walking towards the lifts, “where is everyone else?”

            Hermione laughed softly, “Harry is a few floors away and Ginny has James. You were the only one who would come.”

            Draco shook his head as he stepped into the lifts, “you owe me big time.” Draco muttered as they stepped through the lifts and traveled to Hogsmeade where they entered Hermione’s store.

            “Well…that looks like we’re done with everything,” Draco sighed. “Care for a meal?”

            Hermione looked up and smiled, “thank you for your help Draco….I’ll see you around.”

            Draco sighed, “why do you keep distancing yourself? Ever since Ginny had the baby and Ron’s been around…you’ve been out of it.”

            Hermione lowered her clipboard and stared at him for a moment before responding, “I’m not distancing—“

            “Yes you are,” Draco snapped as he began taking steps towards her. “You know bloody well that you are, Granger, and I’m sick of it. I want an explanation.” He growled at her as she stared him down, his face within inches of hers. “Answer me.”

            “What happens when you treat me just like him?” Hermione whispered.

            Draco sucked in a breath, “I knew it had something to do with him…why do you still care about that git?! He fucking cheated on you for crying out loud!!”

            A tear rolled down Hermione’s cheek, “something in the back of my mind tells me he’s going to do something that will change everything.”

            Draco laughed, “if you keep waiting for him you’ll wind up alone…and I won’t be there to do a thing about it. Do you not remember what happened the last time you saw him?”

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