•The Cure•

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They kept looking in the room and Emma found markings on the wall. She said Neal was counting the days just like she did when she was in foster homes. She then went on to say how Henry was probably losing hope. They began to talk of ways to talk to him. It was mostly Regina arguing on how they were even going to be able to do it. Then Mary Margaret had an idea on what to do. They all followed her back to the camp.

"We need to set a trap. We should go back to our camp and make some rope so we can make a net." Mary Margaret said as they walked to the camp.

They started making the net and twisting the rope. Maya was twisting rope. She took a second to braid her hair and tied it to keep it out of her face.

"A trap. This is really your plan?" Regina said sassily twisting more rope. Maya looked up at her as she leaned against a tree.

"The lost boys want to come after us, we need to go after them." Mary Margaret answered.

"Fo you really think the lost boys would betray Pan?" Hook asked drinking his room. He couldn't very well twist anything efficiently with one hand.

"Thanks for the advice." Mary Margaret said quickly shutting down his input. "David we need more vine." She said looking to him.

"On it." David said as Maya looked to him.

"I'll help find vines." Maya said standing up. She knew he was over working himself.

"Okay be careful." Mary Margaret smiled to her.

"You're coming with me pirate." David said walking past him as Maya followed.

"Because we need more rope." Emma answered.

"If the lady insists." Hook bowed with a smirk. Maya rolled her eyes and kept walking.

They went through grabbing some things. David was practically panting. "Dad." Maya said as she walked.

"I'm just helping collect supplies." He said knowing what she was going to say.

"Well take your time just a little. We will get double the amount since I'm helping to." Maya suggested as he kept looking to her.

"There is a lot over there. You can start there." David said as Maya nodded with a smile. She was happy to see he was laying off a bit. She looked to Hook and then kept walking. She grabbed some vines.

She grabbed some and heard Hook. "Mate? Mate?!" He said loudly. Maya followed the voice and went to it. She saw David on the ground.

"What happened?" Maya asked looking at her dad.

"He tried to hit me then passed out." He answered as he tried to wake him up.

"Why did he try to hit you?" Maya asked looking to him worried.

"I told him there was a way for him to leave and he got upset. He doesn't want it." Hook answered as Maya lifted Davids head up.

"How are we going to get it if he refused?" Maya sighed.

"We can pretend." Hook said as Maya looked up to him confused. He pulled out a patch with some type of medal on it. "This is my brothers military insignia. If I put it on the ground and he find it, I can say there is a possibility that my brothers satchel is up there with a sextant that could help. The water is up there." He pointed up.  "We can go up and get the water to save him."

"Fine." Maya answered as she shook her head. "As long as he doesn't know we are actually going for the water we should be good." She sighed. She didn't want to lie, but it was better then losing her father. Hook threw the insignia down and put some dirt over it.

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