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Maya and Emma left to get Henry. Maya didn't talk to Emma and she didn't want to. She was still mad and that wouldn't change.

"Hey Henry. You remember Maya right?" He asked as he turned to see Maya in the back seat.

"Yeah. Mary Margaret and Davids daughter." He said looking to her as she smiled lightly with a nod.

"I'm gonna leave you two with Hook today." Emma answered as she started driving.

They got to the docks and Henry and Maya stopped so Emma could talk to Hook. "What do you think we will do today?" Maya asked looking at him.

"I don't know." He shrugged playing his game. "Probably go on a boat again." He answered not looking up. It hurt Maya that he wasn't talking to her. If he knew who he was he wouldn't act like that.

After a while Emma left and Hook came over to them. "How about we stop to eat first." He said with a small smirk.

Maya nodded and they left. She didn't like the idea of Hook being in charge but if it's what it took to get Henry back she was willing to do it.

They sat in Granny's and the two boys started betting with French fries. Hook kept winning and Henry barely had any fries. Along with the fact Maya ate one from each of their stacks as she watched.

"You want to know the secret to winning?" Hook asked as he held a fry.

"Practice?" Henry asked.

"No my boy. Loaded dice." He answered.

"That's cheating." Henry answered.

"And unfair." Maya said as she ate a fry off his plate.

"Only if you get caught." He answered.

"I'm pretty sure it's both either way." Henry said looking at him.

"The point is, you win." He said looking to Henry then Maya.

"Practice huh?" Hook said looking to Henry before getting up. Maya saw her mom and dad walk in but she was on the inside of the booth so she didn't get up.

"So I have a question." Henry said looking to her.

"What is it?" Maya asked looking to him.

"Do you know what's going on around here?" He asked looking to her.

"What do you mean? Like about the town?" She asked looking at him.

"No I mean why everyone is so secretive." Henry said looking at her.

"Yeah I do." She answered looking at him.

"What is it?" Henry asked her quickly.

"You probably already know I'm not supposed to tell you." Maya answered with a smile.

"But why? Is it really that baddie I know?" He asked looking to Maya confused.

"No it isn't, but Emma thinks it is so everyone else just pretends to agree." She said looking at the fries.

"Well that's stupid." He said looking down. "Don't tel her I said that."

"I won't. I just wish she would tell you everything." Maya sighed.

"How much is she not telling me?" He asked.

Maya chuckled. "A lot."

"Why is that funny?" He asked looking to her.

"Hopefully one day you will remember and see why." She answered.

"What-" Henry started before Mary Margaret and David came over.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now