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The next day came around and Maya went with her parents to see Emma and talk about what to do next with Zelena. Regina and Hook were supposed to show up as well. They all sat there silently for a while before David looked to Maya who was sitting in a chair playing with a necklace she had found with an arrow on it.

Eventually Regina walked in and they started to talk about the plan not taking a chance to wait for Hook. They weren't sure how Zelena got to Storybrooke or why their memories were taken. Reina believed the key to defeating her was to get Henry to remember. At first Emma was hesitant but she eventually agreed. So they decided to look for the book.

Belle didn't have it in the shop so Mary Margaret said they should look where she found it the first time. In her closet. They walked through Granny's and Emma told Henry to stay there as they walked out.

"Where are you really going?" Henry asked.

"I told you. I'm following a lead." Emma said turning to him as the rest of them did as well.

"What lead?" Henry asked.

"It's my job. It's complicated." Emma answered.

"Is this about the person who killed my dad?" Henry asked seeming a bit uneasy.

"Yes." Emma sighed.

"Then tell me." Henry said looking to Emma.

"I-It would just be easier once it's solved, Henry." Emma said looking to him.

"You've been lying to me ever since we got here." Henry said looking to his mom. "I deserve to know everything." He said looking to Maya as Emma did the same. I mean she basically told him that what Emma was doing was stupid.

"No you don't!" Emma said looking at Henry. "I'm your mother and I know best so you're just going to have to deal with this for a little while okay? Understood?" She asked looking at him.

"Yeah I think I do." Henry said as Emma began to walk away. Before they left Emma gave Henry her keys so he could get into the room.

Regina went in her car and the rest of them went in Davids trucks and drove to the apartment. "Why did Henry look to you when he said he deserved to know everything?" Emma asked as she sat next to Maya.

"Because we talked about the case when you left us with Hook." Maya said looking to her sister.

"What did you tell him Maya?" Emma asked angrily.

"I told him he deserved to know. That's it. It's not like he didn't already think that." Maya answered.

"You could've-" Emma started.

"Could've what? Gotten him to remember? Like it's such a bad thing!" Maya said looking at her sister.

"Enough!" David said as he drove. "Stop arguing. Right now we have to defeat the witch. We'll talk about it later." David said as Maya looked out the window.

They went to the apartment and Maya looked around the closet. After a while she switched with Regina to make sure.

"Maybe there is something in this." Emma said putting down a big trunk. She searched but didn't see anything important. "Just some sweaters."

"Let me check." Mary Margaret said as she looked and saw the book on the bottom.

"You found it." Maya smiled. They were one step closer to getting her best friend back, but she couldn't help but realize Emma looked upset. It made Maya mad. Regina started to look through the book while Maya put stuff back in the closet.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now