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After riding through the air for a while Maya looked down and saw her home. They were finally back to Storybrooke. As the boat landed in the water Maya held on to a rope. She smiled at all the people there to welcome them back. Henry went first and the Maya went after Emma before her parents.

As she walked down she got hugs from everyone. She didn't realize how much the rest of the town wanted to see her. She accepted all the hugs and stood with her parents.

"How are you feeling?" Mary Margaret asked David.

"Pretty good actually. I think it's working." David smiled to her.

"Aye. The dreamshade took my brother the moment we left Neverland." Hook said looking to David.

"There was a minute there that I didn't think we all were gonna make it home." Emma said as she held onto Henry.

"Well we did." Mary Margaret nodded as she looked to Regina. "And we owe a lot of it to her. Regina helped save us all." Regina looked to her surprised. She didn't expect any appreciation from it.

People began leaving and the few that were still there had small talk. Maya looked over and saw Henry next to Felix. She wondered what they were talking about.

"Mom! Dad! What about Felix? He's still free." Henry said as they all ran over to him. Henry all the sudden seemed scared. Maya was confused as to why he didn't look that way before everyone was looking.

Her dad took away Felix to put in a cell and Maya and Mary Margaret went with them. Something was off about Henry but she couldn't put a finger on it.

After waiting in the car for a bit, David came back and they all went to Granny's to celebrate. Maya went and sat with Henry. "Why do we always only through parties when someone almost died?" Maya asked looking to him with a smile.

"I guess it's tradition." Henry said as Emma came over and sat next to Maya. She put the Storybook in front of Henry and smiled as Maya did too. Henry just looked at them with no expression.

"Well don't be too excited." Emma said looking to him. "I thought you might want it. Neal still had it in his room. We thought you'd want it especially after living a fairytale of your own." Emma said looking to him. He started to smile.

"Right. Thanks." Henry said as he opened it.

"You okay?" Emma asked looking to him.

"Yeah, why?" Henry asked looking up to her. She didn't say anything and he kept flipping through pages.

"Anyway I'm gonna go talk to other people." Emma said as she looked to them.

"I'll go too." Maya smiled as they both got up.

"You don't want to hang out with Henry?" Emma asked looking to her.

"Yeah but he doesn't seem himself right now. It's like he forgot everything we like." Maya answered looking to her.

"He's probably just a little shaken still." Emma answered.

"Yeah maybe." Maya answered looking to him.

"Emma can I talk to you for a minute?" Neal said as Emma looked to him.

"I'll go- somewhere else." She smiled as she walked away. She looked over to Hook who seemed to be drinking a lot. And then her parents who were talking with some of the dwarves. She saw Ruby talking with other people as well.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now