•Skull Rock•

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Maya walked in between her parents. David tried to talk to her once and she just brushed him off. The second time he tried she finally answered.

"I'll go further up to look for Tink." Maya said as she looked to them and went walking. Not long her mom and dad caught up. She looked to them holding hands and then up to their faces.

They looked at Maya and hugged her. "Maya I'm so sorry. We've been worried about each other and not you." Mary Margaret said before letting go. "But honey," Snow started pushing some of her hair behind her ear, "you do fit in."

Maya looked down. "Just because you say it doesn't mean my mind is changed." Maya answered looking to her.

"Maya you are brave, but your also young. You don't just become suddenly into a family like you did and automatically know how brave you are. You learn to be brave. Going through times when your scared is normal, but it doesn't make you weak. It makes you stronger." Mary Margaret lectured as Maya listened. "You are the bravest sixteen year old I know. You've done so much for everyone that if you hadn't been there, things would be completely different and maybe even worse." Mary Margaret said cupping her face. "You are brave, Maya. I promise that you are even if you don't think so." Mary Margaret finished as a tear fell from Maya's eye.

She looked to Mary Margaret and hugged her. "I didn't think I needed a pep talk, but that worked pretty well." She chuckled as she cried a little.

"I love you, Maya." Mary Margaret said as she hugged her.

"I love you too." Maya answered letting go. "Now let's go find Tink." Maya said as they headed to her hut. It wasn't far from where they were. After finding her and telling her they had a way off, she didn't believe it until Neal, Hook, and Emma all showed up with the coconut. He said the shadow was in it.

They all headed to Pans camp. This was going to start being even more hectic, very quickly. Hey kept walking and Maya held onto her bag as she walked. It was quite a workout.

"We're getting close to the camp, you should probably have a better weapon then just a bow." Hook said as he looked to Maya holding a small knife.

"I don't plan on hurting anyone." Maya answered looking at him.

"I'd go with not planing on hurting anyone, unless they try to hurt you first." Hook said as Maya grabbed the knife.

"Thanks I guess." Maya said as he kept walking. She held it and put it on the side of her jeans.

They heard some rustling in the jungle and everyone looked as Some of them put there swords up. They realized it was just Regina and Gold and they stood down.

"If this is your version of a rescue party, you got her just in time." Regina said looking at them.

"What are you two doing here?" Snow asked confused.

"Well same as you except we actually have a chance." Regina said as Gold held a box with a red jewel on top. "Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for all eternity simply by opening the lid.

"Wait you're father is the dark one?" Tinker Bell asked surprised.

"Yeah and he's not getting anywhere near Henry." Neal said looking at Rumple who looked at him saddened.

"Bae..." Rumple said looking to them.

"What why?" Emma asked.

"There's a prophecy that say Henry will be his undoing. He's not here to save him, he's here to kill him." Neal said looking at him.

Maya looked at him angrily. She couldn't believe he would kill his own flesh in blood again.

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before we got Henry back?" Regina asked looking at him. "Because you knew he would spill your secret.

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