chapter one// the start of something new.

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Looking at him hurt, every part of me hurt as I watched him his curly hair covering his green eyes. Seeing him hold her hand gently made my heart ache, breaking me into a million pieces. People told me as I grew up that love would be the best thing that I was ever going to experience. They were so wrong, they never warned me about how bad it can also make you feel. I was so naive, the first time I felt something he let me know right away he was never going to love me or anyone. Time changes people, and sure as hell did it change me. It drives me so crazy how I can't do anything to help myself out or change this situation or even the past.

Being this young and in love, it is the most stressful and the hardest thing to go through. Four years ago, I did not see myself in this situation and position in my life. I saw myself being a successful businesswoman working in my father's law firm office. But it seems like one year to another I had changed my mind about what I wanted. I had matured and so had he. I went from a normal irresponsible teen to a young adult. But regardless of him and I maturing in the process and being different from each other we were both hurt. I have never been so hurt and put down as I had these past few years. He changed me for good, but at this point, I don't know what I want in my life, career let alone my love life. One thing I do know is that I will always love him, even if I deny it.

But at the end we fell in love by chance, now it's our choice to stay.

*4 Years Back*

"We are moving" my dad and mom announce at dinner.

Those are the words that have been lingering in my mind since they informed us. At the age of fifteen, you don't expect your seventeen-year-old sister to be taking care of you. But that was our lives ever since I can remember. Nanny after nanny up until Michelle, my sister was old enough to cook for the both of us. I was ten and she was thirteen, our parents were those rich parents that have business' meetings out of state. Specifically, in the United Kingdom where we came from. My mom co-owns a chain of restaurants in Wolverhampton and surrounding areas along with my aunt, her sister. She is always out of town doing meetings trying to make her business grown. My father, on the other hand, works at a law firm in which he hardly is ever home. About four weeks ago both my parents decided that California was just not good enough for them and decided to move back to the United Kingdom. I was horrified, I had moved here at the age of 3 I had grown into this beautiful country. All my friends were here, I was just starting high school. I did not want to move at all but that wasn't my decision to make. The point of moving back was because they were going to spend more time with us, I knew that was just a lie.

*Two days before moving*

"SURPRISE" all my friends and classmates scream as I walk into my best friend Ashley's house, as I did on any other day that I would go over to visit.

As everyone was hugging congratulating me for another year on earth, I did my best to fake a smile. Turning sixteen was really important, the start of "womanhood" as Ash says. I tired holding back the tears, even though I was on the verge of bursting in tears. I held back my emotions and was going to wait for the perfect moment. Well, that's the same shit I have said I was going to do when I found out three weeks ago.

"C'mon Ales," she said as she pulled me by my arm, "We made hot dogs and hamburgers."
"But I.." she cut me off, "No if's or but's" she smiled and sat me down in her backyard lawn chairs where all of our close friends were sitting at.

"Here" she handed me a hamburger and I tried talking to her again. She gave me a dirty look and finally spoke up, "I know you don't eat junk food but c'mon it's your birthday it won't kill ya." She smiled and I nodded and obliged.

Damn well knowing she will beat my ass if I say no. I wasn't really into eating hamburgers or any of that fatty meals I for one was all in for the veggies and healthy foods. My sister is a vegetarian so that's all she would feed me so I got used to it and I love it.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now