chapter sixteen// awkward.

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As soon as I was handed the clothes I changed. Wow did I look different!! I walked to my room where J.c was changing. "hey babe" he said as he turned around. "what should i... wooooaaaaah" he walked to me. "wow you look beautiful.

He came up to me and grabbed me by the waist. " you look amazing" he smiled and started kissing me I kissed him back and before we knew it we were on my bed making out.

I quickly got up and realize where this was going. And I sure wasn't ready for it, not to mention I didn't feel any desire to have sex with J.c. "I'm sorry.. I just can't right now" I fixed my dress and hair. "Do what" J.c also got up from the bed. "Make out?" He said. "No the second thing that was going to happen." "Don't worry it's ok" he came and kissed me. I walked out and went down stairs where Rianna, Gab, Anna, Zayn, Liam and that one day who got Harry when they were fighting were all waiting for us. "You guys almost ready" Anna said. "Yeah" I coldly said. As I reached the living room J.c was walking down the stairs. "Hey" he smiled as he shook Liam's hand. "Aless" Anna said as I was checking my Instagram feed. "What" I looked up as J.c was waiting. "Oh my bad. Zayn this is J.c my ummm..." I paused.. what was he to me. "Her boyfriend" he quickly said, which took everyone by shock. "Nice to meet you" J.c said. "Oh this is my lad Louis" "nice to meet you" both J.c and I said.

At the party everyone was already drunk like always. I felt sooo awkward during the car ride that I didn't say a word.

"What's wrong?" J.c said as we got out of the car. "Nothing" I said as a fake smile creep into my face. "You sure?" He grabbed me by the back. "Yup." I walked faster, as did he. God, I wanted to go back home.

When we went inside the house I immediately spotted Harry sitting in a recliner drinking something from a red cup. Just as I spotted him he spotted me. As soon as he saw J.c next to me, he got up from the recliner and left the room. I don't know why but I was so nervous something in me was telling me to leave not only was I nervous to see Niall again but for someone to tell J.c the events that had occurred the previous days.

I built up the courage to go get a drink. I grabbed a beer as I was doing so J.c stopped my hand from opening it. "Ouch" with the slightest touch on my wrist it hurt. "What's wrong?" "Nothing" I said as I opened the can. "You are sure acting a little weird." I took a big drink from the beer and walked away.

When I reached outside, I felt someone grab my hand and I got scared thinking it was Niall.

"Hey, I'm sorry" J.c said as he hugged my tightly. "Why?" He pulled me away from the hug as I responded. "Nevermind" he embraced me for a hug again.

I took another chug at my beer. As I swallowed it J.c grabbed the back of my neck and went in for a kiss. I once again went along with it. But it felt weird, after making out for a while we got away from the party.

We were walking along the side of a lake talking about everything we have been through.

"Alessandra" J.c said as we stopped. "Yeah?" "Do you love me" I hesitated to respond but finally said. "Of course I do." He nodded "I do too." We continued to talk. 

After an hour of being away from the party we decided to go back.

"Hey where the hell were you guys" asked Anna. J.c and I just smiled and followed them. The group was sitting in the living area everyone sat down but there was only space for one person. "Sit" K.c said with a big smile. I was about to sit but something in me told me to let J.c sit and I sit on his lap. I reached up to his ear and whispered. "Sit and I'll sit on your lap" he didn't say anything back and did as I told him.

I felt a heavy stare, as I sat down I noticed Harry was in front of us drinking directly from a bottle of whiskey. I turned back to J.c and kissed his forehead, he smiled and grabbed my thigh.

"Sooo Alessandra, since when did you and J.c start dating or when did you guys meet" Zayn asked.
"Well we aren-" I was interrupted by J.c "We met two years ago, and yeah" he smiled and tighten his grip on my thigh which made me jump. "You ok" Anna asked. "Yeah" I nervously laughed.

"So when did you and Gab start dating." I asked to clear the awkwardness.

Zayn looked at Gabby with the sweetest eyes ever.

"Gabby was the one who asked me out" he laughed as he held her hand. "Well he was to shy to ask me out" Gabriella explained.

Harry grunted, stood up and left. As he did Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Anyways.. but we were 12 when that happened." "Whaaat really?" I asked. And they both nodded.

"I have asked Alessandra so many times but she has never said yes" J.c said laughing which didn't please me because it sounded really rude. Everyone stayed quiet, I got up and left outside.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now