chapter twenty-five//art show.

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I woke up in panic, thinking it was late.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

2:15 pm

Oh thank god!! I had a couple hours til the show. I did this upcoming weeks homework and the homework I didn't do two days past. I wanted to see if Harry wanted to come but I remember that I was mad at him so I didn't. Which got me sad!

3:40 pm

With that I undressed and turned on the water. The warm water helped me ease my stress. After the shower I quickly blew dry my hair. After curling it I put it up on a pony to do my makeup.

(Follow my Polyvore at @restlessssoull to see the outfit and makeup)

4:50 pm

As soon as I finished doing my makeup I got dressed. I feel extremely beautiful on the inside and outside, and that's something I needed for this show. I grabbed all my stuff and the USB with the pictures and called an uber.  I realize I didn't have breakfast lunch or dinner so as the uber was heading my way I decided to eat some fruits.

5:20 pm

The uber driver help me get my things down. "Thank you so much" I told him. "You are welcome ma'am.. good luck" he said with a smile and drove off.

I took a deep sigh as I walked in.

"Hellooooo, you must be Alessandra!" Some random dude came up to me. "Yes" I smiled and nodded. "Oh pardon my manners" he said as he helped me with the boxes. As we set down the boxes he came up to me again and hugged me. "I'm Jake.. the owner of this wonderful place." He said with a thick Irish accent. "It is beautiful" I said as I looked around.

"Follow me" he said as he started walking. "Your beautiful art is right here" he said as he came to a stop in the middle of the shop. "Well it will be once we hang it up." He turned around and looked at me and I smiled. "Are you nervous?" He said as he walked to what seemed like an office. "Yes!" I paused. "Extremely nervous" I followed. "Don't be dear.. it will all go away." He grabbed four canvases and once again walked.. he walked where my art was going to hang. "Just one piece of advice. You great everyone who comes and sees your art. There's going to be a lot of art critics and buyers too." He said as he smiled. "Lets practice" he set down my pictures on a table. "I'm going to pretend I'm you okay" he said as I nodded.

"Welcome and thank you for coming, I'm Alessandra" he said. "When you say welcome and thank you for coming you extend your hand and when you say your name shake there hand with a big smile.. don't forget to smile. Now how do you want them to be hanging"

After fixing up everything and sorting my decor. It was finally 6:30pm and people were already lining up.

When Jake opened the door to the shop, I felt like I was going to hurl. I grabbed a gum from my purse.

After minutes of no one coming up to work, some woman and what seemed to be her husband came up and to me.

I extended my hand to her "Welcome and thank you for coming, I'm Alessandra"  as I finish shaking her hand I shook the man's hand.

"Hello, Alessandra. I'm Francesca!" She put her hand on her chin as if she was deep thinking. "Is this you on the canvas?" She looked only at the canvas. "Yes ma'am" I simply said. I'm surprised I said anything considering how nervous I was getting. "Who took these?" She asked. "Myself" I said. "Wow" she looked at her husband who nodded. "So you have beauty, and talent." She said as she looked back at me. "Thank you" I said I felt my inner child jumping up and down as she said those words.

"You have talent my dear" she said as they both walked away.

After ten minutes I thought no one else was going to come by but that's when everyone came to see my work. I was extremely happy and I meet a lot of people.

Before closing time Mrs. Watson came up to me. "You did such an amazing job. I'm so proud of you. You will do this and much more things if you believe in yourself She smiled and gave me a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I said as we let go of the hug.

Around 9:30pm people were leaving as I was packing my decor up Francesca came up to me once again but this time without the man next to her.

"Hello" she smiled. "Here's my card" she handed me a card. I didn't look at it because I didn't want to be rude. "Thank you" I smiled. "I own a modeling agency and I'd like you to join my team." She smiled. "I would like to hear from you in the next week or too." "Oh yes! Thank you so much" I extended my hand and gave her another hand shake as she left.

When I was done packing my decor Jake came up to me as well. "Congrats girl" he said when he hugged me. "Thank you" I said. It seemed like all I have been saying today is thank you. "Can I ask you for a big favor?" He asked as we let go of the hug. "Sure!" I smiled honestly I'd do just about anything.. well not anything just some stuff, since if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this at the moment not to mention Mrs. Watson... and Harry! "Can you lock the place up, and turn off all the lights. I need to be somewhere at 10 and I'm running a little late." He smiled as he handed me the keys. "Oh YESS I sure can" I grabbed them from him. "Congrats once again" he said as he walked out.

After I grabbed all my junk, turned off all the lights, checked the back door to see if it was closed.   I walked outside as I was closing the door. I heard someone walking, I decided to ignore it and pretend I didn't hear them walking. I closed the door and got on my phone to text an uber.

"Hey" I heard the person say. I looked up and it was Harry.


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