chapter twelve// sweet boy.

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"Are you okay?" His face was all bloody with dirt and scratch marks. "Are YOU okay" I looked at him and his wounds. "Yeah, just a little bit of blood" he paused. "Are you okay!" "Yeah" I looked at the floor."
"Are you sure" he said as I grabbed my wrist to try to ease the pain. "Yeah... I'm sure" I looked back up.
"I would offer you a ride, but" he paused. "I'm a little intoxicated" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you know how to drive" he said. "Yeah" he gave me his car keys. "Can you please drive us home? Please" "yeah" I once again said and limped to his car.

Half ways out of the drive way of the party. We are in Tenbury.. approximately one hour from Bromsgrove." He paused "are you sure you want to drive all the way there" I nodded "yes" he didn't say thing else. When we reached Bromsgrove I finally spoke. "Do I drop you off at your house?" "Yeah if you want, or I can drop you off." He said. I once again nodded yes. When we got his house I turned off the car. "Come in he said" I got out of the limping grabbing all my shit.

As he walked in the house he immediately walked to his room, took off his shirt and laid on his bed as I stood on the door of the room. "You are more than welcomed to stay." He stood up. "No it's ok, I'll take a cab home" "I think the fuck not" he paused "You are staying here.. I'll sleep on the couch. Plus all cab services are closed and not opened til 6am." "Then I'll call my sister"
"No" he got up and headed to me. I flinched. He turned around and walked into his bath room and closed the door. I heard the water turn on, so I went to the living room and stood by the front door. I felt super nervous I don't know why as I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

10 minutes later he came out with a towel, and another black shirt.

"Here" he handed me the items. I grabbed them and set them on the counter top next to me. I looked at him and he was still bleeding from his cuts.

"Do you have a first aid kit" "yeah why." "Just" he went to the closet and grabbed one. "Sit down" "no what the fuck" he looked at me with a mean look on his face.

"Then I guess I'll go" I grabbed my heels, bag and phone from the counter top and headed to the door. "No, don't leave" he sighed "I don't know you, how do you expect me to stay here" "I can't let you go out there either, considering what just happened" he looked at me. "I'll let you clean my up with one condition.. you have to stay" I nodded and set my stuff where they previously were at.

Usually Harry was a really big dick, but right now he's acting so different.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now