chapter twenty-one// beauty of art.

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It was Friday, which mean today Mrs. Watson is review the photos.

I was super nervous, after we handed her the usb on Tuesday she told us to stay after school on Friday she said she need to talk to us. We both immediately thought she was going to fail us.

After class everyone left, while Harry and I waited nervously.

"So the pictures weren't School material." She said with a serious face. "But it is art show materials" she said smiling. "So my friend owns a art gallery in Reddich, I handed him the usb and he feel in love with the pictures and he wants you to do a little better exhibition.. with or more than three pictures. The exhibition will be next week on Friday at 6:30 pm. I'll email you all the details tonight. Goodluck" she smiled and I started jumping of joy! This was great an amazing opportunity for me and Harry.

"Congrats" Harry simply said as we walked out of school. "You deserve it" he said with a straight face and walked ahead. I grabbed his arm. "Your not going to continue with it?" I said as he turned around and I let go of his shoulder. "Nah" he said as he walked backwards. "That not for me.. but hey congrats"

I just realize I was left alone to take the pictures myself and not to mention the art exhibition. I felt sad, why would he do that knowing we can make it big here in Bromsgrove.

When I got home, I started to think of ideas that I can do for the pictures. So I decided to use the basement and a white backdrop. It took my hours to finally get more than three pictures that I actually liked. After all those poses I felt sweaty so I took a quick shower.

After my shower I sat on my bed to finish my homework from other classes. As I was doing my math homework someone knocked on my door.

"Hey mom said dinners ready" Anna walked in to my room and quickly left.

What mom was home??! I literally dropped everything and headed downstairs.

"DADDY" I jumped as soon as I saw my dad sitting on the dinning table. I went and hugged him. "Hey sweet heart" he smiled as he kissed my forehead. "Hi mom" I went and hugged her.

"How was work?" I said as we all sat down and started eating. "Tiring, but I'm glad to be home" Lea said as she smiled. "How was School my loves" John spoke up. "It was amazing." I didn't want to tell them about the art show just yet or maybe not at all. Because knowing them I will invite them and they won't go.

When we finished eating I helped mom clean up. "Sweetie" Lea said. "Yeah mom?" I responded. "Your daddy and I have to leave for a month. I'm so sorry sweetie but you know the drill, I will have a cleaning lady come by every two days to clean." "When are you guys leaving" I'm so glad I didn't tell them. "Tomorrow bright and early" she frowned as she touched my cheek. "I love you ok" she kissed my forehead and left.

I cleaned my hands and headed up stairs. I finished my home work and decided to edit the pictures.

The picture came out perfect. I went to checked my email and as she said she did. Mrs. Watson emailed my the instructions.

Hello, Alessandra.
First of all congratulations for the opportunity. I'm glad you still decided to continue doing this project even if Harold doesn't want to continue. You'll do amazing. Now for the day of the exhibition you'll need to be there before 5:30, an hour earlier. When you have edited the pictures you need to send them to He will print them out in a canvas, now you can buy your own decorations to add around the canvas that's up to you. I will be seeing you in class and the day of the show. Goodluck - Watson

My stomach was churning at how excited yet so nervous I was.

As I was putting the finishing touched on my photos I heard my phone light up with a text.

Harry: I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier. I'm outside, I can help you edit the pictures if you want.
Alessandra: be there in a sec.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now