chapter four // new friend.

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CHAPTER FOUR// New friend.

*Previous chapter*

"Hey those kids from the food court are behind us" whispered Abby , I turned back around, and it was around 5 guys, including the guy who stared me down and the one that bumped into me and nearly break my phone.

I heard a voice yell. "HEY!" I ignored it as well as my sister and our cousins. "hey" a male voice yelled again. The voice finally catched up to us and tapped my shoulder. "You left this on the table." He smiled and handed me my wallet. "Oh thank you so much" I grabbed it and continued to walk back. "Hi my names Zayn." He said as I was turning back. "What's your name?" he asked. "Her names Alessandra, Zayn. She is my cousin and you better back the fuck off." Abby snapped. "For Christ sake Abigail. I wasn't talking to you. Anyways. Nice to met you" he said. "Nice to meet you Zayn, I'm Alessandra." My cousins and sister walked away as I introduced myself. "Well I got to go. See you around?" I asked and smiled. "See you around" he said and licked his lips.

After I catched up with the girl they were inside the make-up store. "what was that all about?" I asked Abby. "He's my friend's ex-boyfriend and she still likes him." She rolled her eyes at me. "Ok then." I scuffed and laughed.

The girls left after a while and Michelle once again wanted to pee for the millionth time.

I waited for about five minutes when I noticed the boy from earlier. He saw me smile and came towards me. "Is your sister sick or something" he laughed, "No she just has a bladder of a cat" I laughed and so did he. "I know you don't even know me, but can I get your number?" he smiled, and I nodded. I gave him my number. We were talking about school and other things when my sister came back and interrupted us.

"Alessandra, let's go" she fake smiled and left again. As I said goodbye I catched up to Mitch. "Michelle what the hell is wrong with you." She looked back at me "Dude, you don't even know this dude, and you are over here exchanging details" I smiled "Are you jealous you hoe" she laughed and so did I. "No, I am not jealous, just what about Matthew" "He is something else, plus I have no idea how this long-distance shit is going to work dude. We are miles and miles away from each other. He is old enough to travel but if he doesn't want to so that all on him" I lied, I didn't want to tell her that I had broken up with him. she smiled and we walked away again.

Whenever we got home, my phone kept ringing, I stupidly though it was Zayn but I checked and it was the UNKNOWN NUMBER. Damn well knowing that it was Matt. I once again put my phone on vibrate and decided to watch a movie. All I kept thinking was about Zayn and the boy with the green eyes. As my train of thoughs was roaming around I heard my phone ring. I check..

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Zayn.

I smiled, saved his number and started to text back

8:37 p.m. Alessandra: Hey 😊

8:37 p.m. Zayn: What are you doing? lol

8:38 p.m. Alessandra: Nothing I was just watching a movie and you?

8:38 p.m. Zayn: Nothing much just hanging out with the lads. Haha. What are u up to this weekend?

8:38 p.m. Alessandra: Nothing just finishing up decorating my room, and grabbing school supplies and you?

8:40 p.m. Zayn: Nothing much either, what school did your mum enroll you in

8:40 p.m. Alessandra: Wolverhampton Grammar school.

8:41 p.m. Zayn: Oh cool that's where I go... sixth form. You?

8:41 p.m. Alessandra: Nice, and I am 16 so depending on my score on the placement test. Most likely sixth form too.

8:41 p.m. Zayn: Niceee! It'll be fun to have you around.

8:43 p.m. Alessandra: Yeah haha guess will be seeing each other more often lol

Zayn: Well I was wondering if we-

As I was reading the text someone knocked on my door and opened it.

"Mom!" I jumped out of bed to hug her. "Hi dear, careful don't ruin my ruffle shirt." She gently pushed me away. I sat back on my bed. "how was your day today?" she smiled and so did I, "It was alright I miss California." I gave a half smile. She handed me a bag full of stuff, "here I got your supplies for school. You and your sister entered the sixth form so the uniforms are cute." She paused, "I'll be going out of business for three weeks. And your daddy will be gone also." She smiled. "If you need anything you know to call me. Love you." She kissed my forehead and left.

Routine after routine this was the first time I seen my mom since the day they told us we were moving which was three weeks ago. I started thinking at what the text from Zayn said.

8:43 p.m. Zayn: Well I was wondering if we could go on a date, I am really interested in you.

8:45 p.m. Zayn: I didn't mean it that way.

8:48 p.m. Zayn: Fuck, sorry you probably think I'm a creep.

8:50 p.m. Zayn: I guess I lost my chances ☹

9:10 p.m. Alessandra: chances at what? Haha and sorry my mom came into my room and I got caught up.

I got up and put on my pjs and laid on my bed waiting for his text.

9:11 p.m. Zayn: I know I am a completely stranger but I was wondering if you can go on a date with you. As friends of course.

9:11 p.m. Alessandra: Sure haha

9:11 p.m. Zayn: Tomorrow, a coffee shop... they sell great coffee and sandwiches.

9:12 p.m. Alessandra: At what time?

9:12 p.m. Zayn: 10 a.m.?

9:13 p.m. Alessandra: Sure sounds like a plan, ill met you there.

9:13 p.m. Zayn: perfect, I am practicing right now but ill see u tomorrow

9:13 p.m. Alessandra: alright goodnight

I knew if I tried looking for my outfit right now I wasn't going to find anything so I just decided to go to sleep.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now