chapter fifteen// surprise.

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"Wake up" Anna shook my bed to wake me up. "Come downstairs" she said as she ran out of my bedroom. I got up and walked downstairs.

"SURPRISSEEEEEEE" she screamed as I walked down the stairs. It was J.c, I don't know but I felt excited to finally see someone from back home. I ran to him and jumped on his arms.

"I have missed you so fucking much" he said. "I have missed you too" I managed to say as he squeezed me tightly.. "When did you get here" I asked. "Like 30 minutes ago, I think" he smiled as he kissed my forehead "yeah 30 minutes ago Liam agree. Wait why was Liam here, I looked at Anna and she smiled. "How was your flight" I asked and laughed knowing he must've hated it. "Ughhhhhh" he explained. "It was terrible" "I bet It's really tiring."

"Let's go get breakfast" Liam said. "It's on me" "No it's ok, we can each pay for ourselves" Anna said. "No I've got you." he said as he grabbed his jacket and kissed her on the forehead.

"Ummmmm" I paused. "Let me go change... Can you help me pick out something.. Anna" I walked upstairs and she followed.

"What the heck was that???" I whispered to her. "Well we got super close.. He's funny and super sweet" "Whooo are you" I laughed. "I'm ok with whoever you date as long as you're happy ok" I hugged her. "Thank you" she let go of the hug. "Alright hurry so we can go eat I'm starving."

I quickly took off my p.js and put on a clean outfit. (follow my polyvore lol)

As we pulled into Gina's cafe I immediately regretted joining. In my mind, I had a scenario where Liam told J.c that I was dating someone else. Which I wasn't Niall is a friend.. Well was.

When we sat down I was looking at my phone when I heard a familiar voice. "Welcome to Gina's cafe how may I help you." I look up, it was Harry. He looked at me and then at J.c who was holding my hand. "Um yeah, can you get me some pancakes, Harry, oh and a coffee." he paused "what are you going to want" he looked at Anna. "I'll take the same." "me too" J.c said "and let me guess some fruit for you" Harry rudely said. I looked at him and so did J.c. "Actually.. No. I'll take egg and sausage croissant. Orange juice and yeah a bowl of fruit" I smiled at him and he grabbed out menus without saying anything. "What was that" J.c quietly said. "He's a mean one ain't he" Liam laughed. "So how do you like Bromsgrove so far mate" He asked J.c.

"Ohh it's beautiful.. Especially that I'm spending it with Alessandra" I smiled as Harry placed our drinks on the table.

The rest of breakfast all J.c and Liam did was get to know each other. When we got home J.c and I went to my room.

After catching up on the latest drama back home my sister walked in my room. "So there's a party tonight and Gabriella really want to meet Jc and wants you guys to come!" She said with a big smile. I nodded as she left the room. "You want to come" I looked at J.c "yes" he said as he got closer to my face and kissed me.

"Can I take a nap" he said after cuddling for an eternity. "Sure." I said with a smile, "meanwhile I'll shower" I got up from the bed and headed to the shower.

I wanted to look way more different than what I did last night not for me but for J.c I really wanted to make it work with him even if we were miles away.

After the shower I went to my sister's room where she was blow drying her hair. "Hey" I said as she smiled "What happened?" "Can you do my makeup" I looked away as I felt my checks get red. I don't know why but I felt shy to ask her I wasn't the type of girl you'd see wearing mountains of makeup but I was getting older and wanted to feel like it.

"Oh yes of course. Go put on some old clothes while I finish blow drying my hair and doing my hair" she smiled.

I went back and put on a long t-shirt dress. And my fluffy slippers. When I went back to my sister's room she was done blow drying her hair and started curling it. I sat down and after what seemed forever she was finally done with her hair. As she was done J.c stopped by outside the room. "Hey." "Hey loser" Anna responded and he laughed. "Shut up lame ass" we all laughed. "Can I shower?sisters" he said as I got up. "Sure" I said as I sat on the chair infront of Anna's vanity. "Ok" he smiled and left.

She started blow drying my hair and also curled it. After hours of makeup and hair she was finally done.

"Wow!" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. "I look so different" "you look amazing." She said and I got up "thank you" I smiled. "You're welcome. But hold on you need clothes to complete the look" she smiled and walked to her closet.

She handed the clothing items, plus shoes and accessories.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now