chapter five // matt.

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*Previous Chapter*

I knew if I tried looking for my outfit right now I wasn't going to find anything so I just decided to go to sleep.

My sister had the shitty way to make me up all the damn time. She walked into my room and shook my bed. "Let's go" she screamed. "Go where?" I groggily woke up. "Out, I don't know I don't want to be home, Lea still hasn't left and she already started giving me bullshit." She rolled her eyes. "Fine, let me get ready." She smiled and left.

7:35 a.m. Zayn: Rain check? I'll have to cancel for today. Sorry gorgeous.

9:30 a.m. Alessandra: Ok sounds good!

I got up and went to my sister room, "Change of plans, get ready we are going to the mall again Abby invited us to a party tonight and we need slutty dresses." She smiled as she put on her shoes. "Ughhhhh" I screamed as I went to my room. I shouldn't have woken up... By this point I hated the mall so damn much. I put on water clothes were available and jogged to the living room. "Ready?" my sister asked and I nodded.

"You really need your license for here and a car." I told my sister as we were waiting for our uber. I was tired of not having our own privacy to talk shit.

11:30 a.m.

It has been more than an hour and Michelle claims she still hasn't found the perfect dress, though she has bought like five outfits already. I, for one, still haven't found a dress. So, I'm pretty sure I'll be taking jeans and a t-shirt.

Hours and hours of shopping we were finally done and I decided I wasn't going to wear a dress. The dresses I liked Michelle hated them.

4:00 p.m.

Whenever we got home, Michelle quickly went to her room to get ready. She takes like five hours to get ready, and I am the opposite I knew I could get ready in less than an hour so I ordered some sushi because I did not want to go to the party with an empty stomach. I ordered three rolls, the basic shit California roll, Dragon roll, crunchy roll, and a Thai tea. I must've been starving because I ate all three rolls myself.

After a three-hour nap I got undressed and quickly showered. Getting dressed and ready was not a hard process for me. Michelle on the other hand takes hours getting ready when I was almost ready she was still doing her hair. I was not going all out for an outfit tonight so I just grabbed a stripped skirt with a bow on the top right side, a black plain long sleeve shirt, black see-through stockings and my black doc martins. My hair natural and no make-up. Ok maybe a little mascara.

10:32 p.m.

I have no idea why I came this party is so not my taste. I didn't know anyone and I wanted to go home everyone was drunk.

I was tired of smelling marijuana and alcohol so I went upstairs to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet looking through my phone seeing all the back to school parties my friends were having, now those were parties where people danced and actually enjoyed their time there. Everyone was there except Matt which was weird he was always at parties. He probably was with his ex.

As I was scrolling down on my Instagram someone knocked on the door, I quickly got up and flush down the toilet even though I hadn't gone. I opened the door and there was a couple full on making out in the front of the door. I grabbed my jacket and walked out.

Going back to my phone to avoid such an uncomfortable situation.

As I was going downstairs someone bumped into me. "Oh sorr-" I was cut off mid-sentence by the boy with the green eyes from the mall. I bent down to pick up my phone. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I half smiled as he stayed calm and neutral. "Be more careful next time and please don't use the upstairs bathroom. There's one downstairs." He said sternly and I just nodded.

His eyes were bloodshot and his hands were bloody. I decided to leave it as is and walk down stairs where I found Zayn and his friends with my sister and cousin.

"Hey we were just talking about you." Michelle said as I sat next to her. "This is Niall, Liam and Louis." Zayn introduced his friends to me as we sat in a circle. "Hi I am Alessandra." I smiled and shook their hands. "Nice to me ya" said the blonde boy. "Yeah, nice to meet you... where are you from you guys don't have an accent or seem familiar," Said Liam, the brunette boy with soft eyes. "We were born here but were taken to America when we were younger." She smiled at Liam. "How old were you?" Liam asked. "I was five and she was three." She continues to just stare at Liam. "Oh, you guys were still little smaller." Zayn smiled at me. "Yeah we were pretty young." I smiled at him. "So how are you and Alissa?" Abby snapped. "We broke up a while back. Didn't she tell you?" Zayn said calmly. "NO, she told me you guys were working things out." Abby sternly said. "No, there is absolutely nothing to fix, her and I are done. I moved on..." he paused and looked at me. "and so, should she." He looked back at Abby.

Abby left but Bella stayed. Bella was high as a kite and was never in the world we were. Sure, she had changed since we were little girls.

Niall had left and it was only Zayn, Liam and my sister and they were both in a whole different world vibbin. "You look amazing." Zayn finally broke the silence. "Thank you, you too." I gently smiled as my checks redden.

He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt, black jeans and some kind of black shoes. He looked really handsome. "Thank you" he smiled. "I'm so sorry for bailing out today, we had to set up for this party since the other house is being remodeled." He smiled. "It's fine, it's understandable." I smiled back. "So you up for an actual date? Like dinner and all?" He smiled. All this smiling is really making my cheeks hurt. "Yeah, I am down!" I excitedly said. Zayn seems to be like such an amazing guy, handsome and all. "Excited for school?" he asked, "Not really, I am not looking forward to the uniforms I am so used to whatever clothes I wanted to take to my old school." I smiled and looked at my phone. MISSED CALL FROM Ashiee I wonder what was going on. "They are quite comfortable, if you ask me." He smiled and placed his hand on my knee sending tingles all over my body. "Ye-yeah." I stammered. "I bet they are, there is like three outfits, right?" I fixed myself up. "Yeah, for physical education, normal days and fancy days. Fancy days are usually like important days in the British calendar. It's quiet fun days." He smiled as my phone was vibrating. "Hold up I'm going to answer this." I smiled, got up and left outside.

"hello?" I picked up. "Ale where are you at?" Ashley said. "Yeah I miss you too." I responded sarcastically. Her calling me was weird because she only called me, instead of facetiming, when there was an emergency. "Les, where are you at?" she asked again, sounding more worried than the previous time she asked. "I am at a party my cousin invited me too, the same party I told you I was coming to earlier, why?" I responded. "Do you still share your location with Matthew?" she hurriedly asked another question. I found it even more weird how she kept asking these questions knowing I had already told her everything that happened between Matt and me. "No, I blocked him remember? Why do you ask?" I was now worried. "Did you block him on Facebook too where you also share your location with him?" she asked. "FUCK" I said out loud. "He left to Wolverhampton a day ago. He is probably there already." She said. "Wow, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I was pissed. "I didn't know until I saw his snapchat, a picture of his plane ticket to Wolverhampton." She finished off her sentence. "Ok thanks for telling me, I am going to check right now where he is at. Hold up." I put my phone on mute and loud speaker and check.

Baby 0.025 mile/s away.

"Fuck" I once again screamed. I unmuted the phone and took it off speaker, put the phone back on my ear to talk to Ash. "He is near me, I don't know what to do." As I was talking to Ashley, Zayn came outside. "You doing ok, love?" He asked as he placed his arm on my upper left back. "Yeah, just a bit of a dilemma, I'll go back inside right now." I smiled and he nodded and walked back inside. "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?" Ash asked me. "Some British dude I met at the mall... who is my friend." I smiled, a smile which faded when I saw a car pulling up the parking spots. "I'll call you back, he's here." I hung up as I saw a tall boy walking out of the back seat.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن