chapter thirteen// or not.

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"Alessandra, right?" I heard Harry say as I was grabbing a clean towel to clean the dirt from his face. "Um, yeah" I said as I returned to him. "What was Niall doing to you" he said As I was cleaning the dirt from his face. I stayed quiet, "You don't have to tell me." I opened an alcohol packet and cleaned around his check area. "Ouch... fuck" I ignored his remarks and continue to clean his face. He grabbed my hand "he did this too you" I flinched as he did but once again I stayed quiet. A quiet sorry came from his lips.

 "He's a dick, he has done the same thing to Rianna but she still wants to stay there with him" "It's crazy, I really thought he was single and a good guy but I guess not, but regardless if he was single, I am not looking for someone I don't know how he got that idea" I focused on cleaning his face "What were you doing around that area where he took me?" I said As I finished cleaning his eye, he flinched as I touched the area. "I was leaving home, but I was outside my car smoking a cigarette... I thought you guys were having sex" he flinched again. "But I heard you struggling" I signed. "No I'm not the type of girl to right away or at all" he looked back at me. "So you are saying you're a virgin?" he asked. I ignored his question and put away everything.  "Thank you" he coldly said.

He went to the fridge where he found leftover pizza. "You want some" I nodded no. He warmed it up, as it warmed up he rummaged through the fridge again. As he did he pulled out a little Tupperware and ranch. He gave me the Tupperware and it was strawberries and blueberries.  I was starving. "Thank you" I simply said. He nodded.

When we finished eating I washed the Tupperware and his plate. "No don't it's ok" he said as he saw me picking up his plate." I ignored him.

Neither of us said a word for the next 20 minutes.

As I was cleaning the area where we ate Harry finally spoke. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah" "Why are you usually so quiet" he said. "Well I might want to ask you the same thing." he rolled his eyes. "When did you meet Niall?" 

I hesitated to answer but finally said; "The day at the mall when he bumped into me" "really?" He seemed a little shocked. "yeah" I once again said. "Well" he drank a beer he got out of the fridge. "He told us he met you a couple months back" "NO! what the fuck he's crazy" oh this boy!!! 

he stayed quiet for about 5 minutes. "I'm sorry" he said "for?" I asked. "For you having to go through that" "It's alright" I looked at my wrist, as I felt tears rolled down my eyes. As I closed them I felt two arms embrace me. I hugged back and after a couple minutes of crying on his chest, he let go.

"Well you should go shower now" he grabbed my stuff and the black t-shirt and gave them to me and pushed me to his room. "Do I stink?" He walked back into his room. "Actually you do" he said with a serious face.

I was totally weirded out, just minutes ago he was being so sweet and now he was being an asshole. I said nothing. He left and I closed the door.

I sat on the bed debating whether I should shower or not. After minutes of thinking, I grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom. After turning the water too hot I started undressing. The warm water felt so amazing on my body. Every inch of my body hurt, I felt tears run down my cheeks. I was completely broken. Who was I, and why did Jc and Niall do this to me. 

After what felt like forever I turned off the water and wrapped myself with the towel. Picked up my undies and clothes learning from my previous mistake. 

 I walked out to Harry looking for something in his drawers.

"Oh my bad" I said. "No your good" he said back without looking. "here's some lotion." He handed me a men's lotion. "Sorry it's not that fruity shit girls like " "it's alright thank you." He did not once make eye contact with me. As he left the room he closed the door behind him. I unwrapped myself I grabbed the towel and wrapped my hair in it. I applied the lotion, which by the way it smelt amazing.

I grabbed the shirt and put it on. I laid on the bed, realizing I forgot my phone out on the kitchen counter. I was too tired to go and get it.

I once again started thinking about all the bad things that have occured. I started crying, you know that cry when your heart is breaking into millions of pieces but don't want anyone to hear so you shove your face in the pillow? Yeah thats how I felt.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now