chapter nine// who's the girlfriend?

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"Those are Niall's friends" she looked at me. "So that means Niall might come!!" She looked freaked out. "yes, that's why I said fuck" she started playing with her hair. "Well we have to face it" I said and she seemed shocked. "I can't hid from him neither can you. Eventually he will know we are cousins" she smiled "you have a point there. Let's go back inside then" she smiled and grabbed my hand as we went to sit next to my sister and hers.
"Baby this is my cousin Alessandra and Anna" Gabriella pointed at Anna and I "Hi" he shook our hands "Nice to meet you. I'm Zayn" we both said hi. As we were talking to Gabriella and Zayn. Harry and Liam came by. "Oh hi" Liam said as he hugged my tightly. "Hey" I said back. "How have you've been" he smiled. As everyone looked at us weirdly. "How do you know my cousin" Gabriella said laughing. "That's Niall's girlfriend" Said the green eyed boy, I mean Harry. "Wait. Ri?" She looked at Rianna. "He's not my boyfriend" I said while Harry smirked at me. "Turns out he meet Aless at the mall and thought I'd be cool to get at her" she shrugged and frowned.
"Well we all know Niall's a little prick" he laughed. God I felt super stupid. During the rest of the party I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I would look and it would be Harry looking at me smirking. Which made me feel more awkward than ever.
Besides the whole who's Niall's girlfriend deal, the rest of the night went smoothly, Niall didn't stop by which was even better.

I woke up the next day with the sun shining through hitting my face. I opened my eyes ... "Goodmorning sunshine." I heard a male voice say as I quickly sat up. "Didn't mean to scare ya love" he laughed and walked outside. I got up and realize I was still at the house where the party happened. I went outside and saw my sister, cousins, Liam, Zayn and Harry sitting on a picnic table eating breakfast. "good morning" everyone said almost in unison. I smiled and waved. "Sit sit" Zayn said while handing me a plate. "Get whatever you want" he smiled.
The only seat available was next to Harry, so I could either sit next to him or stay standing up like an idiot. So I sat next to him, all I could smell was whiskey and his cologne. Which smelt pretty good.
"Why aren't you eating" I felt myself get red when Zayn asked. "It's cause she's vegetarian" Liam said with a mouth full of pancakes. "Really" Harry said ina really sarcastic way. I rolled my eyes. Zayn left and went inside and came out 3 minutes later with a bowl of fruits. "Here, my bad. I didn't know" he smiled as he handed me the bowl. "Oh" I paused "thank you" I grabbed the bowl. "So tonight the lads and I are thinking of having another party." Liam said with a smirk. "You guys want to join again" "Yeah" said Anna with a big smile. I looked at Liam and they looked like two love birds. I smiled and continued to eat my strawberries. "Then it's settled, Party it is." Said Zayn as he served himself another piece of French toast.
I'm really wishing Niall doesn't stop by tonight.
As we said our goodbyes, Gabriella handed me the keys. "Would you mind driving, love?. I've got a killer head ache." I grabbed the keys. I Have my permit but in California. I don't know how to drive in England. As much as I didn't want to drive I said sure. As we were leaving Rianna got an idea. "Hey how about we go shopping for outfits" she said with a smile.
I drove to the mall and like always waited for my sister and now my cousins
"You're not getting anything Aless" said Rianna with a concerned face. "No, I'm alright" I smiled . "No, love you are not ok" they dragged my to each and every store they just went to to find me a perfect outfit.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now