chapted twenty-two// grounded.

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Before I sneaked out I went to check on my parents who were sleeping at this moment. I quickly walked down stairs and went outside where Harry was waiting for me.

"Hey" I said. "Hey" he said as he opened his co drivers door. "Get in" he looked at me. "Ummmmm" I paused "ok" I said as I got into his car.

"Where are we going?" I said as he drove out of the driveway. "You'll see." He simply said.

After what seemed forever we finally came to a stop to what seemed like a park. "Get off" he said. I felt scared because I didn't know what he wanted.
"Why did you bring me here?" I said as I got out of the car. "This is where I come to think." He said as he lit a cigarette. Wow he smokes how attractive...

"And whys so" I said. "Because" he threw his cigarette in the pond and came to me.

He places his lips on me softly and start to kiss me, the feeling that I had when we first kiss was coming back. I felt like I was in the sky, electric shocks went through my body.

We made out for minutes and we finally stopped. "You are a really good kisser" he said with a smirk in his lips.

I was confused a few days ago he told me he would never love me and now here he is kissing me in the middle of the night in the middle of a park.

A simple "thank you" was all I managed to say.

"You know you remind me some girl that I knew." "Really?" "Yeah!" "What happened to her?" I simply asked and he stayed quiet for 20 minutes. I sat on the floor because I was tired of standing up.

"What happened with you and that dude." He finally said. I signed and responded "Long story short we aren't together at all" I played with the grass. "Really?" He seemed really happy about my answer. I turned and looked at him, this boy had a smirk on his face .. wow like if it so funny. I stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

"You want anything to drink" he walked to his car. "What do you have?" I asked. "Water, beer and water" he laughed. "I'll take a water" I thanked him as he gave it to me.

"Why don't you want to do the art show gallery?" I finally built up the courage to ask him. "Well like o said it's not really my cup of tea. Plus I don't like boring art shows" he said as he drank from his water bottle. "I didn't know you modeled." He added. "I didn't either" I laughed.

As we were taking about stupid shit I got a text message. "Shit shit" I said. "What?" Harry asked.

Mother: Alessandra where are you?

"My mom texted me asking where I am at!" I quickly got up. "Can you take me home?" I asked Harry and he nodded.

Mother: I know you saw my message, where are you at?
Alessandra: sorry mom I'm with a friend we were doing homework. I'm on my way home.
Mother: homework? Why are you doing home work out of the house at 4am in the morning.

Fuck .. I didn't even noticed how late it was. I ignored her text.

"If you want just drop me off in the corner of the street" I told Harry as we reached my street. He didn't say anything and he drove up my house. Where both my mom and dad were standing.

"I'm sorry mom" I said as I got out of the car.

"Who is this punk!" John exclaimed. "He's my friend dad" I looked at Harry who was outside of his car.

"Are you ok" Lea asked me over and over again. "Yes I'm ok"

"Thank you Harry. See you later" I finally said as he got in his car. I fucked up but my parents just embarrassed me.

I knew once we got inside the house I was for sure getting in deep shit trouble.

"Alessandra Mara.. what is this? Why were you out with .." Lea showed a face full of disgust. "With that delinquent punk. You are better than to hang out with that type of kids" she finished her sentence.

Her words pissed me off but I chose not to make it worse so I nodded and stayed quiet .

"You are grounded. You can not go out anywhere. Even if your mother and I are gone you will stay in the house" John screamed.

yep there it is. I nodded and headed to my room. I didn't realize I had to go to school in 20 minutes. I put on my uniform, grabbed my things and went outside where once again Anna was waiting for me.

"What happened" she asked as she put on her seat belt. "I was out with Harry we lost track of time and mom and dad found... so now I'm grounded.... yay" I said and she laughed "not even I have done that" she continued.

I knew the rest of this day was going to be super shitty. I was running on zero hours of sleep and I had three quizzes.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now