chapter twenty// first day.

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I woke feeling extra nervous today. It was my first day in secondary school, and I was super scared. I don't know why, I wanted to start but I was also dreading it. I joined two clubs that really I interested me. Back home I would model for small company's, but I sorta wanted to make it big time.
After laying in bed for what seemed forever I finally got up.

I already had my uniform out as well as my shoes. I went to the bathroom and showered, I didn't wash my hair because I had straighten it the night before.

Once I got out I quickly changed and brushed my hair and put it in a pony. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup so I just put on lip balm. I grabbed my backpack and phone and was out the door.

Anna was waiting for me in her car and off to school we were.

The first three classes were amazing and they went pretty smoothly. Until switching to my fourth class which was the modeling class. When I reached there I noticed that on the door it said photograph and modeling class. Which made me feel even more nervous.

"Sorry I'm late" I greeted my teacher as I handed her my transcripts. "Hello, Alessandra welcome.. I'm Mrs. Watson" she grabbed them and smiled at me. "Sit next to Harold" I looked toward where she pointed.

Did the universe really hate me. I was sitting next to Harry!! Maybe the universe loves me.

When I sat down Mrs. Watson continued to teach.

"Welcome Alessandra" Harry laughed. "What are you hear for? Let me guess to be a preppy hipster. To learn how to edit your preppy Instagram photos?" He laughed. "Actually I'm here to model" I smirked and he didn't say a word.

The rest of the class half of the students were learning how to pose for photos and the other half was learning how to take good quality pictures.

"So I know it's the first day, I want to partner you up to do a little project." Mrs. Watson announced. After name half of the class she finally said. "Alessandra Mara you'll be partnered with Harry Styles."

FUCK. "Nice" Harry said sarcastically.

Mrs. Watson ignored Harry's comment. "So students exchanged numbers and I need this work before the end of this week." She smiled and the bell rang. And we exchanged numbers.

Besides me being in a class with Harry the rest of the day went pretty smoothly.

Around 5pm, while I was doing homework, I got a text from Harry.

Harry: hey it's Harry. get ready I want to get this homework out of the way. I'll be over by 5:30
Alessandra: ok.

I quickly left my homework and started doing my makeup. I wanted something crazy, so I went with colors I wouldn't really use.

Harry: I'm outside.
Alessandra: omw!

I quickly got into whatever was clean and put it on. And headed outside.

"Sup loser" Harry jokingly said. "Hi" "so I was thinking we can take these pictures in this brown fence you have here" I nodded as he explained what he wanted me to do.

After millions of takes he finally left.

"Was Harry just here?" I nodded as mom finished her question. "We were doing this photograph class project." I answered. "Oh nice nice, how was it?" she asked "it was good." I smiled and she smiled back.

I kinda miss having mom here most of the time. But I know she has her business to run. I finished my homework and showered.

I was scrolling through my Instagram, when I saw a Harry request to follow me. I quickly accepted I was scrolling down his feed and it was all art. It looked beautiful. I was in complete awe, I had something I common with him. Minutes after I accepted him he tagged me in a post.
( Check my Instagram @restlessssoul to kinda get an idea of these posts)
He caption one of the photos he took of me with

"Beauty is within" I felt my face blush once again for the millionth time. I liked it but I didn't know what to comment, so I left it like that.

My first day at a new school, in a new city went pretty good. I am glad how things are going so far.

After a while laying on my bed thinking I finally dozed off.

love by chance, stay by choice // h.s book no. oneWhere stories live. Discover now